Can't Create Character

When i try to make a DK on Suramar, i click on ‘Finish’, and it stays grayed out and doesn’t create the character.

Also when I back out then create it, it tells me ‘Error creating character’

What’s the deal?

One possibility I see floating around is it might be hanging up on the name. Does the behavior repeat itself if you try a different name?

ive tried several names all acceptable… hmm

Does the name have a green checkmark when u try to create teh DK.

yes it does. ive tried all sorts of names all sorts of characters too. maybe its the server?

Humor me and try a full UI reset

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Is this retail or classic not sure if classic has a suramar server.

this is retail. i just did the things you asked to no avail

Is it a allied race or regular race DK.

troll race butive tried multiple races and classes etc

Ok so are we talking regular troll or zandalari troll and have u unlocked zandalari trolls.

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regular troll

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Just checking since the portraits are similar it says troll not zandalari.

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How many characters do you have total spread out across all servers?

twelve characters spread out. im at a loss here this is frustrating

One last thot are u able to create any toons at all or ur not able to create toons at all.

its a suramar specific issue i was just able to do it on another realm

So its not you i cant create a dk orc or troll id edit this and post in bug forums.

i made a bug report.


Been having the same issue on Frostmane. Trying to create a BE DH to no avail. However, if I delete a toon, all my previous attempts at creating this character will appear, although naked with no weapons. Getting insanely frustrating. Have also tried for fun making a different character/class and same deal.

Add to my post in bug reports nothing will be heard here.