I’m in Vale of Eternal blossoms and see a WQ with a skull icon. I start killing the 4 summoning void guys and some horde shows up after I kill 3 of 4. After the 4th dies, the boss spawns and the horde steals the tag. It’s normal mode (not warmode) and I don’t get credit even though I helped him kill it.
End up having to wait for the entire thing to reset just to start it over again. Absolutely brilliant game design. Keep padding those metrics at the expense of everything else. This is the sort of stuff that will prevent WoW from dying entirely.
Good. Alliance should accept their rightful place
Devs think things like tag-stealing are compelling gameplay.
They took the worst aspect of classic and decided that was what they were going to bring into normal wow.
I really wish they’d stop that.
If I wanted to deal with that I’d be playing classic, but I’m not.
I’ve never seen this happen outside of warmode… Not saying it doesn’t. Just sayin, I’ve killed many, many things, and not seen a locked tag because of the other faction on an objective mob or rare mob. Maybe I just haven’t run into it on mobs that are susceptible to tagging restrictions.
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There are a couple of the events in Vale that are like that, including the one the OP wrote about. I’ve had Alliance grab it before I could tag it more than once. It’s a pain in the butt.
Rare mobs do not have it, but objective mobs do as well as the 1 user clickables.
but there’s no faction tags with warmode off. Only group tags.
Is the OP genuinely complaining about something that’s been in WoW since November 2004 and labeling it a MAU and time played conspiracy?
There are. Go to Vale and do the WQ outside of WM (although you’d have to let the other faction tag the boss that spawns after killing the 4 summoner guys). You think I’d be doing this stuff as alliance in warmode? lol.
weird, never seen this as horde. Well
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Actually, there is one rare in the Uldum Black Empire invasion that is faction tag only - Doomsayer Vathris, if I recall the name right. Unless they corrected it recently, only one faction can kill and loot it.
it’s an MMO game…
there’s other people in it.
Sounds like you want a single player game.
If I were you, with the amount of complaining you do… quit the game. uninstall it. You’ll be happier.
Also… didn’t you say
so why are you doing content you don’t like bud?
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That’s one scalding hot take there man.
lol. Are you still gonna cry about what happened yesterday? When you left that thread with your tail tucked between your legs? I understand that you probably lost sleep over it, but I’ve moved on. I’m just not that into you.
the one user clickables drives me insane. I know that’s how it was before, but I got straight up SPOILED by multi-tap objectives.
I’ve been seeing it more as BfA goes along.
i didn’t leave any thread. I’m just not on Wow forums 24/7.
And you keep making stupid posts, so i’ll keep calling you out.
you flip flop more than a fish out of water.
you hate group content… so why play an mmo
you hate the dailies and think visions are stupid… so why are you doing them and complaining more.
it seems to me like you hate wow and yet have an unhealthy addiction to it because you keep doing things you don’t like.
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To be fair, they phased out faction tagging a long time ago. I couldn’t tell you the last time it happened to me. Why bring it back now, for some random world quests? Assuming it wasn’t put in by accident, anyway.
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