Remember when classic dropped,and there were all the threads about how BFA needs to be more like classic.Well blizz listened.
Probably an intentional thing to “listen to feedback” as regards Classic. But that would be a TiMe PlAYEd conspiracy, of course. I still think it’s a stupid idea, but it is what it is.
I don’t know what the rule is, but it happens sometimes, and can be annoying. I had an Alliance toon tag Omen the other day after I summoned him twice because of the GCD not allowing me to get a global off the instant I clicked the last cluster rocket and summoned him. Seems like a dumb mob to faction lock.
I’ve also had some regular mobs grayed out when tagged by the SAME faction in the assault zones. Not sure what’s up with that noise.
Oh yeah I’m sure that’s all it was (wink wink nudge nudge). I’ll be reporting any off-topic posts you make and ignoring you. Stalker.
it’s not off topic though.
so again again…
maybe third time is the charm to answer simple questions.
I sure hope not. They took it out long ago after listening to the players because we don’t like it. If I want to enjoy outdated gaming methods I’d be playing classic, not retail. Here’s hoping this was an accident and not a pattern of more things to come.
I am also hoping it was accidental. I just find it hilarious that the first response the forum has to it is “muh time played.”
Well in this case it’s even worse than before. You have to kill 4 guys before the boss spawns. Then if you lose the tag, you have to wait for the entire event to reset and kill the guys again.
I don’t recall anything like this in vanilla where you’d lose control of an event that you already started because you missed a tag half way through.
I’m sure it’s possible it existed, but there’s no way I’d remember. I don’t even remember exactly when they started taking the faction tagging out, it was so long ago.
- 100% positive that it was a bug. So just report it
- The events reset within like 30 seconds to a minute.
- Why are you playing content you adamantly said you avoid because it’s repetitive and you hate it. I think this thread falls under Trolling…reported.
I actually did that to a horde, I felt a little bad but not much since I had them almost do that to me before. Just avoid that one unless no one is around. Also it only gives you 55 rep so…
It took you longer to post your complaint then it did for the mob to respawn.
What does that really matter, though? This is an annoying issue that shouldn’t really exist. There hadn’t been issues with tag stealing for years, but they brought it back for… .reasons. It invites worse things - it might be a small respawn now but we may run into this issue where the respawn isn’t short. What if next time its a rare like TLPD? Oops, can’t tap because Alliance/Horde is fighting it. (How long it takes to die is a moot point, this is just an example)
Fighting a mob for an item to click on only to have someone to swoop in and take it was annoying already.
Things like this are honestly anti-community and the game already has a lot of “single player game” feeling to it.
Never ascribe to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence. Or in this case, lack of QA at Blizzard.
So many bugs in this patch still.
I was really hoping.
I can’t think of a single mob that dosen’t respawn in under 5 minutes.
Stop being lazy and assuming everything has to be done RIGHT NOW.
turn on war mode then I can kill you for your tag when it has 15% hp left then you can do it again. That way at least u feel like u had a chance to fight back
I literally gave you an an example with TLPD which is on an 2-8 hour timer, lmao.
Houlon is another.
The Zandalari Warbringers.
The rare mount spawns in Draenor.
Need more?
Soundless 1% drop rate on the mount at a 8 hour spawn timer.
Only one of those is an objective of a quest… a weekly quest. Not a daily WQ.
They are all mount drop mobs. QQ that you can’t stand in one spot to farm a rare mount in 45 mins.
My point still stands. Any WQ mob respawn very quickly. You are crying about rare mount mobs. And the one that “horde stole the tag” is a weekly quest. Meaning he will spawn 21 times in a week, because he also drops… a rare mount.