Can't complete Ogri'la bombing quest

I’m getting the message “You can’t use the item here”. Even though I’m flying and am targeting the ammunition stack. Also the fel canons don’t target me. It appears as if the game doesn’t recognize that I’m flying.
Rebooting, reload, restart, disabling all addons - none of those fixed the issue.


Same behavior on my end, but a friend completed the quest at the same time next to me.

Myself and Three of my guild mates are all stuck at this same point, where we cannot use the bombs

I had this issue as well, when I went to BEM, I took a flight path there, then mounted up and went to ogri’la. I was not being targetted by the cannons either and was getting this message. I was able to fix it by hearthing back to shatt and taking my flying mount all the way to Ogri’la, I was then able to attack the piles and was also being targetted by the cannons. Not sure why this worked for me, but it did.

Tried numerous methods to use the bomb, no luck for me (and majority of my server)

I’ve tried everything - flying out of forge camp, flying out of blade’s edge, hearthing to shatt & flying back, turning off all addons, relogging, restarting client, restarting pc, and waiting until the following morning. Nothing works.

Please fix this bug!

I was having the same issue in the norther forge camp (wrath). The southern forge camp worked fine though (terror).

Also having this issue, nothing in this thread seems to resolve it for me either

Fix this!!!

SOLUTION: I got on my flying mount in the air while in Forge Camp Wrath then logged out & closed Battlenet app. Waited 1 minute to log back in and it worked!!! Hope this helps guys.

Same issue here, thought it was because I’m a Druid without a mount. Similar issue happens with the Skyguard bombing quests.

I’m also having this issue - logged out multiple times and still get the ‘You can’t use the item here’ prompt.

Yup. I have the same issue. Seems to be a toss of the dice whether or not I can actually do the quest.

Still happening today. Last time abandoning the quest and reaccepting it worked. now today not so much. Loosing 550 rep a day, this is adding days to the grind at this point.