Yesterday, I was working on a previous Kyrian calling to defend Ardenweald. While in the zone, I completed the Powerful foes of Ardenweald quest.
When I returned to the sanctum, I realized that the new calling for that day was to kill the powerful foes of Ardenweald. I hoped that with the daily reset and as this was a calling, I’d be able to complete it today.
Looks like because I completed it before getting the calling I’m not eligible even though the calling doesn’t expire for 2 days.
So, even though I didn’t have the quest I got credit for completing the quest but can’t complete the quest because I got credit before I had the quest?
Being able to see the marker for the quest on the map. I was then able to track progress on the quest when I entered the zone where the mobs were and got percentage credit as I killed the mobs until the quest popped as complete once the bar was full.
The “powerful foes” quests seems to be slightly different to the regular defend or challenge callings.
Well, that calling has two other ways to complete: both of them are Ardenweald instance completions. Completing either Ardenweald instance (De Other Side, Tirna Scithe) in Mythic, Heroic, or Normal (even by LFG) satisfies the calling just fine.
You completed one, and must have THOUGHT the other “should have” completed, and then it didn’t.
In the future, you can do the “defend” and “powerful foe” quests by simply doing a heroic version of a dungeon in that zone.
You will then get credit for both quests. (assuming Mists gives the full 100% “defend” credit with it only being 3 bosses instead of 4. I haven’t tested that one)
I’ve completed this in Normal, actually. Well, the Maldraxxus equivalent, on my brand-new-to-the-Necrolords alt. The “heroic WQ” is that zone is pure cancer to an undergeared clothie with no stealth, and ilvl wasn’t up to Heroic, but Normal Plaguefall scratched the itch and got him his sweet sweet catch-up renown token.