Cant click links in chat. Please dont move post

I posted this same question and some good hearted moderator moved it to UI and now it sits there in obscurity.

Im trying to do raids and sometimes discord is required and they post a link in raid chat like …discord/gg/FrdSe45GbY… etc and i cant click on it. I have toggled the make interactive, reset my UI, turned off all addons etc and nothing works.
Please help

The CS forum isn’t really for this kind of thing - the UI forums would be the place as they know far more about then here.

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Its been there for a couple weeks with no answers

If you’re looking for a blue reply, then that isn’t really what the forums are for. You’d be mostly other players help as they can offer their free time to help and think of different ways to help.

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I’m pretty sure the clickability is an addon instead of in the base game.

Take a look at this addon


The chat addon prat allows you to click links in chat and copy/paste them

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You’ll need an addon.

If the addon does not work, then you’ll need to either search for substitutes or get in touch with the addon creators.

Sorry, but there is very little that can be done here in Customer Support.


Right click on the chat frame name tab, and make sure its SAYS "Make window Noninteractive. If it says that your window can click links. However if it says “Make window Interactive”, you will want to click that so you can click links again.


Thank you for the replies. I had no idea it was an addon that i needed.


Thanks for the linkify <3