Can't believe MM has been bugged for 2 weeks and no hotfix. Whats going on at Blizzard?

Multiple bug reports.
An AWC player tweeting the bug reports and his own video evidence as well to @wowdevs
Zero fixes.

Does the staff not care anymore? Is it a low priority to fix a bug that is crippling a spec??^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

I’m just wondering what we have to do around here to fix a serious issue in a specs ability to play the game. Any blues care to comment on why it hasn’t been addressed or at least explain?

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Still not fixed. What happened to the staff at blizz?

well if it happens to some its might be hard to pin point it

maybe they dont know how to fix it.

Ya thats a pretty big deal.

sorry we broke your spec and your hitting like a lvl 55 Can’t fix it though

Maybe next year play another spec or class

There was a time where one of affliction’s talents was so broken, that not taking any talent at all on that row was actually a dps gain over it, it stayed like that for months lol

But if there’s a bug that could hurt their bottom line, like fast exp gains or making gold too fast, they’re onto that as fast as lightening.

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I promise you if it was the other way around and hunters were 1 shotting players, soloing raids and m+ it would be fixed in 5 minutes, 10 minutes at most and a server rollback.

Hunters wouldn’t be running around for 2 weeks selling mythic clears while they solo the raid and 1v3 people in arena

Hit like a lvl 55 instead of a 70?

nothing but crickets 2 weeks later

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SPriest talents were bugged since launch and only fixed with 10.7. Its going to take awhile.

One of our talents could only work for one shadow priest, so if you ever had 2 in a raid, they would lose 20-30k on some bosses. Real top tier quality control.