My pvp concerns

i agree i feel mm is pretty up too par they gave us health on second wind but i agree with you we die in like 2 hits and impossible to kite rets on top of the 1 shot with invincability bubble… like dang my rating sunk from 2381 too 1700 first day 10.0.7 dropped they started improving rets being overpowered but honestly that was such a huge loss for many that dont main ret i wish they could do a roll back on the season its been weeks and im finally getting close too 2k in solo i canceled my sub it runs up the 19th this was going too be my first glad but thats that so if i dont hit 2.4 by 19th i wont be coming back i cant believe they let ret out of the ptr like that and cost everyone but ret pallys too dropp massively

BM does not need buffs, it needs brought back down to earth. MM seems like it’s in a decent spot tbh. Survival just will probably feel better if less ret/melee q.


And it’ll feel better in 10.1 when we get our sweet disarm lol.

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MM damage is fine when it stands still. They need a slight buff mobile damage. I would do this by taking damage out of aimed shot and putting it into steady shot. Then add a stacking buff to stwady shot for aimed shot. Preferably: casting ateady shot gives you a stack of wind arrows, next aimed shot fires off all wind arrows. Stacks up to 3 times. Steady ahot will auto fire wind arrows after 3 stacks.

Maybe a change along these lines that allows MM to be more mobile and still do some damage but not maxed burst will help them kite better and there fore not need buffs to defenses.

Or just increase arcane shot dmg and make it cost no focus while moving

Aim shot should be usable while moving but there’s a 70% chance to miss because it’s hard to aim while moving


BM only got to keep playing in the 10.0.7 ret meta because it can consistently play in africa and live just by never being in a viable place to die. Marks has to plant and cast too much, sv inevitably has to come into melee at some point. You just have a better way to cheese into dampening as BM than the other hunter specs. Marks and SV just can’t live long enough to make it through all of the ret defensives and group defensives and are way more prone to just being run down than BM.

If they were going to change something about the defensive kit, I think survival of the fittest could be reworked to something like rogue feint where it costs significant focus but also has a relatively short cooldown and shorter duration.

Anything really. Once i start moving my damage turns into a nurf gun becauae so much of MM is funneled into aimed shot and Rapid fire.

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The what now? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Or maybe does 70% damage because moving. Hard to shoot through the eye but can still hit the body.

Ret has three classes worth of defensive cooldowns to get through if you are trying to kill it. It has regular paladin buttons like sac, bop, wog, instant flash for its teammates. Things that need to win in setups haven’t been able to play since ret is passively immortal which makes the regular paladin buttons it can use on teammates over the top. I know this is a biebz post but maybe someone else didn’t understand what people were talking about with ret immortality. Hope it’s a little better today after nerfs.

Except you forgot about forebeareance

Actually I think Blizzard forgot to put some of ret’s buttons in the forbearance-granting pool.

Aim shot does damage for ya’ll???

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Marksman propaganda

I feel like im the only player yelling into void to get this fixed. Besides jellybeans tweeting it.

Devs must have quit or something its been 2 weeks

I also made a post on GD today its so annoying

I actually just wanna play MM

All photoshopped dont believe this man

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Next time we meet in a lobby and my MM is fixed. I’m gonna aimshot you in the face repeatably every round to get my MMR/CR back with INTEREST. You klepto me earliar

Hardest lobby of my life

Bye Hecker.