Can't do any of bfa on alt

Just going to copy paste my post from the reddit thread.

Hey guys, I have made my dark iron dwarf before prepatch, leveled him about half way, then stopped playing on him. Once prepatch hit, I leveled him to 50, but I have seemed to encounter a bug, or possibly not since this is pretty much my first alt. If my main has started (not completed) nazjatar but has unlocked world quests, has shroud and the catch up HoA, do my alts need to complete all the same previous steps that my main did, or should I be able to access nazjatar right away without doing the war campaign and everything prior? I ask because once I hit 50, I got the heart of azeroth from magni, then there were no followup quests at all, I couldn’t even re enter the chamber of heart even though I have the heart. The quest “What you may regret” shows up on my main map, but once I go to the spot where the NPC quest giver should be, they aren’t there. I apologize for the long post, but I didn’t want to leave out any details on this. I asked this same question in the discord, and there was one other person who is supposedly having the same problem as me. Thanks in advance.

When I do the isquestcompleted for uniting kul tiras, it returns as true which makes me suspect its a bug even more.

Edit: Blizzard has kind of acknowledged this:

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Same here with a Kul Tiran warrior who just hit 50.

Add this Dark Iron Dwarf to the list.

This character had landed on the shore to start the garrison quest in WoD at level 90 the night before the pre patch, and that’s where I logged out. Logged in squished and started up the ole garrison and started leveling up.

I tried to start the BfA intro at 45, both in and out of Chromie time, no quest to pick up, no pop up bread crumb that normally happens when it becomes available.

Went back to Cromie time and finished leveling to 50. Chromie time automatically ended and ported me to Stormwind.

At this point a Magnie pop up directed me to the chamber and I was able to get the necklace. I had to use the mole machine to get back to SW, there wasn’t a portal on the surface. And still the same, no starter quest for BfA.

So I took the boat to Boralus. I was able to pick up and complete the quest on the boat to enable BfA world quests. The quest for killing 25 players in WM, the coin quest for extra rolls, and the turtle outside the inn were available, but nothing to start the main story line.

I was able to update my professions and do the scrapper quest. I noticed ALL the side quests were in the zones while doing a few world quests for gear. And the portals are in the portal room in Boralus.

And now I’m stuck, no way to get my followers started, can’t get the scouting map open to start the stories in the zones, or the war fronts. Can’t get the cloak chains going.

I know this was long, but wanted to give as much info possible. I know there are many bugs, but it seems this should be moved to the top of the list. Not much reason to play my new allied race if I can’t do the main story line…

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Can't get BfA starter quests or start War Campaign - #148 by Yuminisha-wyrmrest-accord and there is alot more threads about it its big time bugged if you lvl to 50 on another xpac u can get to boralus with boat get the necklace and world quest and thats it… no matter your race class level etc there is no possible way to unlock bfa content cause that required the quest tides of war to be completed and there is no possible way u can unlock that… only 1 way to get bfa quest is making a new character do the exile’s reach and dont skip the sw tour… but outaide of they the quest tides of war to unlock bfa content is gone not obtainable

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So upon investigation this seems to be an alliance only issue, any horde toons I have tried it on have been able to take the quest that sends them to zuldazar.

its only alliance and the link i posted above there are 7 or 8 more of them and with loads of posts about it and somehow blizz just dont want to see it lol… if we get lucky this wil fixed by wednesday if we get lucky, but deff not earlier than that cause blizzard need a list of fixes ready first before they implement a hotfix they wont hotfix just 1 issue cause for them its not a big deal we just have to deal with it and level on old content.

can’t understand why they haven’t even addressed it, it’s literally a game breaking bug.


i play thegame for 15 years i know blizzard they know about this for a fact cause of the forum spam, but issue with blizzard is they need a list of bug fixes ready first before they implement a hotfix they not doing that for just 1 issue cause for them this is just a bugged quest, so yea it will be fixed by wednesday if we are lucky or the week after but not earlier,

I agree. I don’t want to level my brand new lvl 10 Void Elf in old content. It’s irritating they haven’t even addressed this. I put in a ticket and got an auto response. I marked it no they haven’t satisfied me.

i did not even got any respond its a 13 day wait time but i mean bugs? fine, issues? also fine it happens will be fixed np not a big deal… but this is a huge deal we not talking about a normal bug or issue we talking about one entire expansion (current Expansion not working) i mean it is that we have chromie and we can atleast somewhat still level atleast, but what if chromie wasn’t a thing and this happend? i mean im not gonna lie i love the game but in all those years ive never ever seen the issue where a whole entire expansion was unplayable, and yes i know im a negative nancy now but i dont want the game to die out and a issue like this can literally kill a game cause we dont talk about a old expansion like oudland not working its the current expansion/endgame content. but yea when u go to login screen now u see maintenance for 21st october lets hope after 3 days of this pain still it will be fixed after that even tho the maintenance is only 1 hour.

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Seriously! I’m right there with you. This is a huge issue for me. I hope they get it fixed and soon.

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yeah ah well i rlly hope they will fix it on the maintenance in 3days otherwise if not im getting a bit afraid the game is gonna take some srs dmg from it! even tho how much i love the game im not gonna defend blizzard this should not be possible to happen on live servers

Blizzard has somewhat acknowledged this

I wonder if we group up with a character that just comes out of Exiles Reach would they be able to share the Intro to Stormwind quest with us that cant get the Tides of War quest? I would really like to level my Mechagnome in BFA.

Didn’t think about that, would you be willing to try with me?

already tried that yesterday, both sharing the quests and using party sync. u can’t share it & party sync doesn’t make it pop up


Bah. It was worth an ask. I hope they hot fix it soon. I unlocked the Mechagnomes right after pre-patch and was excited to start into it. I guess I can stick with Draenor for now.

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Thanks for letting us know so we didn’t waste our time at least.

I hope they fix it before the weekly reset… I had planned to level up to 50 in bfa content and run some dungeons/lfr this weekend

wonder what caused the bug, when I tried to get into bfa with an alliance toon in the ptr it worked fine. Something goofed up somewhere between prt and release of the pre patch.