Canonically, how big are Orcs compared to humans?

Are they actually as big as they are in the Warcraft movie? Or are they much smaller in the lore? I’m genuinely curious.

It’s Large vs Big McLargeHuge.


They’re pretty big, but I think the Warcraft movie overdid it just a bit in some scenes (orc sizes were kinda inconsistent), maybe due to trying to mix CG and live action.

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large & in charge

Humans are Arnold Schwarzenegger, Orcs are Bruce Banner pissed off in the movie, but in the game the Orcs are about a foot taller usually.

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A Solid Foot taller, and about 2-3 times heavier. And as you see in their models that is all muscle. So they are a very large race, stocky. Warcraft Movie seems pretty accurate.


theres your official answer


Bigger. But probably varies from human to human and orc to orc.

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The movie made orcs way too big in my opinion. They were more like ogres than anything else.


Outside of WoW they tend to be massive and quite a bit taller than humans with a more athletic build.

I think the fact that the humans didn’t get the same kind of exaggeration that the orcs got made the size difference greater than it would’ve been otherwise. CG Warcraft humans are idealized like crazy with dudes standing 6’+ and roided out of their minds, but some of those actors were 5-somethings and all had average builds.

The least they could’ve done is some camera tricks like they did with LotR to make the hobbits look small, and costuming + CG bulking up the human actors would’ve helped too.


Probably the most realistic answer, I’m not sure not every Orc in Warcraft is some green 8’0 strongman, just like how not every human is an Arnold Schwarzenegger like, contrary to how WoW portrays us.

Either way, I’m kinda surprised with all the answers here, I was expecting the size difference to not be as large as the movie made it out to be, turns out it’s pretty spot-on.


I love that cinematic so much. We need more like that.

The movie had no lack of flaws, but a lack of attention to detail and passion for the universe itself weren’t among them.

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I remember watching that video first time and wondering when Druids, while in bear form, could start wearing hats. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Orcs are much fatter, sure. :slight_smile:

no they were shorter but wider…

In the source material the movie is based off of (the original strategy game Warcraft: Orcs vs Humans) humans and orcs were about the same size. That doesn’t mean the orcs were too big it means the humans were too small (because they were portrayed as real human beings instead of CGI’d in).

Just, as an aside, it should be noted that everyone’s talking about World of Warcraft cannon which is notoriously unreliable thanks to the Bronze Dragonflight (the in-universe ret-con police) and, more importantly, the Warcraft Movie is a spin on the events that led up to the first war-- events so heavily, and frequently, that retconned they don’t even resemble the original canon of the franchise. Wow has many concurrent parallel universe retcons with multiple timelines still accessible to the players. They’re all canon to WoW, because the retcon police are canon, and they’re all contradictory.

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Though we don’t have exact details, I would expect that they’re roughly 1.5 - 2x the length and 2 - 2.5x the girth.