Canonically, how big are Orcs compared to humans?

But we do know. The movie wasn’t based on WoW. That was a major controversy of the movie: WoW’s success facilitated it being created but it is not based on WoW. It was based on the original RTS series, and that series has box art, and user manuals, and all kinds of extra depictions the characters that shipped with the game.

The '90s were a different time where everything was low resolution so you had to actually show players what that 15 by 15 pixel sprite was supposed to be so they could emotionally connect with the game. In all re presented materials, including the actual sprites, the humans and orcs were shown to have near identical physical characteristics, and were the same size. It didn’t get ridiculous until WoW stylized the graphics; which was its own controversy in its time (2005).

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Gnome heads are so big. Why the whiplash snap back when they jump.

It’s hard to say, because part of the lore surrounding the Old Horde is that the reason they drank demon blood etc is to become inhumanly strong and powerful. Since every green orc was effected by fel corruption, it’s at least possible that one of the benefits of that is that they’re all pretty hulked out.

Truth be told they’re smaller than dwarves. But they be drinking that noggen stuff from tanaris

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

I think only Jaina can answer this question from personal experience.