Canonical Cases of Resurrection in Lore

In gameplay, resurrecting someone happens all the time for almost every class. But in lore, resurrection is vastly inconsistent and we’re to assume this is a skill not many people can pull off successfully. For a brief period, I’ll try and make a “master list” of all of the cases of resurrection being used by an NPC (or the player if the story demands).

Keep in mind, this is a list of resurrection spells, like Redemption, Ancestral Spirit, or even Soul Stone. This is not for huge cases where large steps had to be taken to bring someone back from the dead - like Illidan in Legion, where his soul had to be retrieved from Helheim and placed in Light’s Heart, then replaced with his own soul in an entire Legion ritual.

  • Kaylaan resurrecting Ishanah after the latter was killed by Socrethar (Kaylaan was seen before struggling to resurrect other fallen comrades, highlighting its difficulty)
  • Roanuk Icemist resurrecting his warriors slain by the nerubians to fight Under-King Anub’et’khan
  • Terenas Menethil’s ghost resurrecting the entire host of champions after being released from Frostmourne
  • Thrall casting Ancestral Spirit to resurrect a red drake killed by Asira Dawnslayer in Hour of Twilight
  • Sally Whitemane resurrecting herself, Renault Mograine, Commander Durand, and various members of the Scarlet Crusade until she was slain permanently by Lilian Voss
  • The warlock player using Soulstone to resurrect Ritssyn Flamescowl on Dreadscar Rift

Please suggest some if you think I’ve missed anything. This list is very WIP.


Do novels count? There’s Calia Menethil.


That’s more along the lines of an Illidan. Two very powerful priests and a Naaru had to pool their power to bring her back, and even then she’s a form of lightforged undead.

I’m talking about cases where spells are used to bring someone back exactly as they were, ideally by a singular person.

(Observation): I believe in Cataclysm we learn that Whitemane had been resurrecting fallen members of the Scarlet Crusade for years.


How can you forget Whitemane auto-resurrecting? Only canonical case besides Calia, who herself came back as undead.

Edit: Lilian had to drive light-infused blades into her to keep it from happening.

Also, the Thunder King resurrected by the Zandalari.


Again, that was a ritual, not a simple resurrection. Zul, Gara’jal, Khar’zul, etc. had to pool their powers to bring Lei Shen, who had been dead for generations, back from the dead.

It is unclear if Anduin resurrected Varian or healed him from near-death in his short story.
Same applies with Chi-Ji and Jaina.

Edit: the redemption of the satyr Avrus Illwhisper in Ashenvale, presumably by Elune, can be viewed as a resurrection considering he pulled out his own heart and was then transformed.

Doesn’t one of the High priests in ZG resurrect their allies if not killed in a certain period of time?


I think that is just game mechanics, unless there is some reference to the resurrection outside of the instance and dungeon journal saying it would happen.

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Crusader Olakin Sainrith at Icecrown:


The Old Blood Knight quest actually had you ressurecting someone too once.

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-Anduin’s mass resurrection at lordaeron.
-Leeroy Jenkins.

The old Paladin quests had you resurrect a Young Furlbolg Shaman (Draenei), Henze Faulk (Humans), Narm Faulk (Dwarves) and Sangrias Stillblade (Blood Elf).

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Mass Heal. Not a mass rez.


Loramus Thalipedes is a demon hunter you revive in Blasted Lands. His body was even cut up beforehand.

(Then he showed up again in Legion during the DH campaign which I thought was a really nice touch)


In the priest campaign, the PC resurrects a Draeni named Alora. It’s even before you get T’uure.


I don’t think it counts as resurrection if you come back as a zombie. Even if it is one that looks like a Maiden of Virtue mini-sized.


Saw a goofy example when doing Island Expeditions today:

    Venture Acquisitions Specialist says: Wait! I’ll pay you to resurrect me! Come on!

I don’t think there are any full on resurrections in the lore, maybe just some near death healing.

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Such as Anduin bringing his army back from near death in the Battle of Lordaeron cinematic.