Canon warcraft humans can change skin color?

… Because an NPC has a different skin tone now does not mean they are a difference race. They’re still human. That’s the whole point. The customization options are just customization options, there’s nothing different from one human to the next.

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What rock have you been living under where you do not know the word race is used interchangeably with ethnicity in the vast majority of situations?

a pro bike rider was fired for supporting Trump, but the official reason given was:

he used a dark skin tone on his emojis.

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Outside of the US I don’t think many countries use the term race when they mean ethnicity. Largely because a lot of other countries have a multi-ethnic background themselves. But US still uses the imperial system and writes their dates in a nonsensical format, so not a shocker.

This entire thread is about fishing for outrage, because people enjoy that for some reason.


Well they got it because I’m genuinely mad.

If you want to use the new customization options, use new characters. Don’t totally re-write existing character who already had an established appearance.

Then you’re a ridiculous person.

The only NPCs changed were minor vendors that have absolutely zero significance.


Every NPC has significance. Some more than others, but that does not change the fact that all of them represent the idea of a real person, and shouldn’t just be totally rewritten because some bored dev wanted to play with the new character options.

If you want more diverse NPCs, then make more diverse NPCs. Don’t take existing NPCs and turn their identity upside down.

This seems like an odd thing to crusade against tbh. It doesn’t hurt anyone.

Eh, the tool thing has always struck me as an odd complaint too. I don’t think I’ve ever found any shop, home garage, or personal toolset that did not include a metric and an imperial set. I’m sure there is someone out there who doesn’t use it, but at this point metric is pretty widespread even in the US, even if it isn’t “officially” adopted.

But you got me on the date thing, I always do a double take when reading EU dates.

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No, they don’t. They’re filler characters because they needed to have someone to sell bread. Most of them could be vending machines and the game would be completely unaffected.

You are absolutely ridiculous. You have to be trolling.


Skin color is just one simple characteristic of the races in WoW. Using it as ethnicity does not apply in game and it never has.

You would have a point if a very important NPC had an appearance change with no explanation, but this isn’t happening.

the old one got promoted and she’s the new chick

Well I’m sorry that YOU don’t give a damn about the game having a coherent world. But some of us signed up to play an RPG and not an accounting simulator

Fixed that for you.

I know I should technically be annoyed by these threads, but “Obscure Rachel Dolezal Reference” has sent me.


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If that’s the case then why add them in the first place? they clearly don’t matter so there’s nothing lost if everyone’s white.

It either is important or it isn’t. You can’t have it both ways.

Every NPC is important. They’re all characters and none of them deserve to have their entire identity rewritten because Blizzard couldn’t be bothered to make new ones.

and it would be coherent to have a city of almost entirely white people have a bunch of them disappear to be replaced by non-white people?

I’d love to hear the lore behind that. Even if you try the “people died, new people replaced them” you’d have to explain why these new ethnicities magically spawned into existence.

The reality is that there is no coherent answer here because this is new customization and you can’t explain why it magically wasn’t in the world until just now.

Arguably it’s customization that should have been there from day 1, but it is what it is.

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The Traveler books already established that the black humans in Stormwind came from Stranglethorn.

Not sure how they could explain the asian looks but if they can do it once they can do it twice.

Can you imagine if they put a black skinned NPC in the Stockades in this age? It suddenly wouldn’t be a non-issue of them changing skin tones, everyone would lose their minds.

It’s only a non-issue when it fits their agenda.


So then why were all the humans in Stranglethorn up until this pre-patch not black?

and if you’re going to be okay with them updating those humans to reflect that lore, then all we need do is claim that portal trainer is from Stranglethorn. It’s not like she has any established lore anyway.

Because the only in-game humans in Stranglethorn are soldiers from Stormwind. The settlements described in Traveler aren’t part of the area in Strangelthorn we explore in-game.

If those settlements were added in game, they would obviously be new characters and not rewriting of existing characters.