Cannot Withdraw Gold from Guild Bank

As of today there is a bigger problem; some folks guild banks are losing the majority of the items in all tabs; just vanished.

There’s a thread in Bug reports if anyone else is noticing this.

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how long was this broken for

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Just this afternoon as far as I know; that’s when I noticed it.

maybe they will fix it

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this has been a problem for me since start of pre patch i hate it

Are you sure you don’t have an addon interfering with it?

edit: Nvm, missed the “guild” part.

Just tried to test to see if its fixed just did 1 5k and 1 10k withdraw from my own guild bank and it went through so I gather blizzard has fixed the issue. Now I no longer need to withdraw 10k gold from my Warband Bank to get 10k from my main bank since that was the only method that worked prior to this being fixed. So rejoice in the fact you can now take out as much as you want enjoy.

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did they fix it

:smiley: what if it is not a bug, but a clever way to sell warbrand bank tabs.

I had a character with 15g withdraw 500g, so it seems fixed, unless it’s just intermittent, or by character.

that is good

Someone decided that embezzlement was bad?

you can embezzle
fake money???

This just happened to our guild bank yesterday.

Thank gawd for Remix characters. I pulled what was left, pulled all of the gold just in case, and put it all on a Remix character for safe keeping until they fix this.

I can’t believe how busted this is… I literally watched things disappear when I’d close the bank and reopen it.

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Have you added your issue to the main thread in Bug Reports?

If not you might want to, just for visibility.


Thanks for the link. I was just about to go find it. :dracthyr_heart:


is it fixed

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