Cannot Withdraw Gold from Guild Bank

this is new for me. anyone else having this issue?


it’s a known bug. yeah dont put anything in the guild bank you dont want to lose at this point.


I was able to withdraw gold from my guild bank earlier.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

didn’t someone in another thread mention that if you did low amounts you could withdraw. I thought I read a joke about doing like 10 transactions to get the needed amount out.

If it’s the same issue I had, you can only remove less than your character has on them. So, if your character has 1204 gold, you can only withdraw 1203. At that point, you have 2407, and can now withdraw 2406, etc. It’s a pain, but that’s the workaround.


I had to keep passing leadership back and fourth and even then I was only able to pull like 2500 at a time. Took a while to drain the bank and put it into the warband bank.

The guild bank is a Mess. B Thru some work if you deposit 10g it will allow you to remove up to 1000 gold for a few transactions, than incremently lower ammounts. I drained my guild bank by making all my alts offers using the 10g trick and removing 1000 than 500 than 250 at a time took while but it works

cats? meow mewo

That’s not great. But we can insta-mail to ourselves across realms now, I think?

Could deposit some gold from several characters into Warbank, and then add it all to the Guild Leader, just to withdraw a large amount, and then once it’s in the Warbank again, any characters can use it, from any server.

Yes, I’ve reported in the bug forum along with other players we can’t withdraw gold from guild banks.

is there money in the bank

Its hit or miss. Ive had to pull gold out on 1 character and mail gold to an alt who couldn’t get any gold out

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is it fixed

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Yes, it is a really annoying bug.

There is a work around that works occasionally. You can deposit gold and then remove that amount of gold multiple times. Sadly it only appears to be a max of 1000 gold though.

I foolishly deposited 30,000 I had accumulated from all my guys thinking that would speed it up, but it didn’t.

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Nope. It is not.

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did they fix it

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It is not fixed but there is a workaround.
You can only remove up to the amount you currently have in your bag.
Let’s say you currently have 11K gold in your bags.

What you need to do is:

  1. Deposit 1g in the gbank.
  2. Withdraw 10K from it. Now you have 21K in your bag.
  3. Deposit 1g again.
  4. Withdraw 20K from it.
    Repeat until you get the amount you want.