Cannot transmog the Invasion Stalker outfit on my Shaman

I spent 4k Timewarp badges in Dalaran on the Invasion Stalker outfit. I learned the outfit successfully but it’s not available to me to Transmog. This occurred on my Shaman Shamrack.


You meant Invasion Stalker’s Guise right?

That is leather and your Shaman’s primary armor is Mail. Therefore you cannot transmog into that. But you can add it to your collection.

The armor is the same primary armor type your character uses or a cosmetic armor type.

  • Since WoW: The War Within, you can add appearances to your wardrobe even if the armor type isn’t what your character primarily uses. However, the appearance will only be usable when your character uses the same armor type.

Edit: The cavalry is coming !_!


Well that stinks. A lot.

The title was a little misleading and I didn’t want someone who actually lost Timewalking Tokens to find it if they had an issue.

As Forumcat mentioned, if you are attempting to use the Invasion Stalker Guise on your Shaman, that is all leather gear. I don’t believe it is intended to be used by anyone other than a Leather wearer.

If you feel it is a bug, you might report it as such in the Bug Report forum.


That is how it has worked since Transmog was introduced to the game.

While it would be very funny to see my mage decked out in oversized paladin shoulders and cast Greater Pyroblast to a bewildered enemy shouting “Wait, wasn’t that a Pala-” I do see concerns and funnies on both sides of the coin.


I would have liked to have seen this information in game. I just came back after 8 years and didn’t know this. That was half my badges.

That would certainly be something useful to add to the tooltip. Various ensembles list different information. Some do specifically state if it is used for certain class, but a lot also just list what it contains (i.e. Invasion Stalker’s Guise, Broken Shore Battlemender Gear, etc…).

If you look up Invasion Stalker on a site like Wowhead, it lists the various items that are part of that.

If that is something you’d like to see added to the Ensembles, to be a bit more informative, I’d recommend submitting feedback so our Developers can review it.


If you control + left click the ensemble, it will show all the appearances provided in the dressing room. You can then mouse over the appearances to see their armor type.