Intimidation is a “choice node” paired with High Explosive Trap. Today when I logged in, I still had High Explosive Trap selected and saved. Attempting to flip it back to Intimidation failed with the same error. Until Blizz resets something behind the scenes, that half of the choice node remains usable for me.
Let’s try to keep this thread alive until some dev notices. I have been checking class discords and it seems more and more people are encountering this problem on several classes. I also found a screenshot of a buggy string from raiderIO and I can replicate the problem when some default abilities can be put points into.
Here’s hoping that something with Tuesday’s maintenance resets or corrects this (even tho it hasn’t been acknowledged as an issue).
It wasn’t solved with extra maintenance last Friday…
That’s fair…
We have to make sure this is acknowledged by the devs.
How can we tag some sort of mod. There has to be some attention to this crap
Workday just starts in CA let’s hope someone notices
I think the way this gets acknowledged is if more of the player base experiences the issue. It is odd to me that more players aren’t seeing the same issues.
Well it has to do with importing outdated talent strings. Raiderio cancelled the feature on Friday. Also people may not encounter it because it is on a specific talent nide they don’t use
Need to tag Lynxi somehow
My break didn’t start from importing a build. Was trying to put different ones together for different content and try new things and then got stuck with the error
Deleted all my saved builds and can’t even default to the starter build.
Disc and Holy are fine, just Shadow spec having the issue. Yet I haven’t played around with Holy or Disc as much as I was with Shadow.
At least that’s “good” to know. I bet many people didn’t end up trying various talents to bug the system. Since this seems to be a permanent bug I guess many people will start encountering it sooner or later, and it will become a bigger thing.
This was also a thing in beta but it was with every talent not specific ones. It was fixed after several resets. The issue is that it is still possible with faulty strings to “spec” into default talents for a spec.
Also yes this is entirely specs specific as it has to do with how talents are being synced with the server I guess and talents (even class ones) are stored differently for each spec.
yea if i recall we had jsut killed mythic skolax and flew to kill sausage. when we landed, i tired to change my talents to ST build and some reason everything bugged out. from that point on it broke everything but after a lot of clicking things worked, except reckless abandon for me. which sucks bc it is such an important talent atm. then everything just freaks up now and then where i have to completely logout and try to import schnit until it finally works
Hey a hunter trialing with us ran into this issue after xfaction realm xfer and now they can’t progress past the second row of their talent tree. All of their other toons are fine, a trial hunter toon is fine, etc. It’s really stressful to not be able to play your main because of this issue and during their trial nonetheless.
same here…i ended up logging off recently without applying to one of the talents to see if that fixed it but instead it made things worse, now my feral spec is unplayable. cant pick any talents really.
but my other specs and on other toons it works, is just this toon as feral. everything else is fine…
Yes let’s hope the maintenance does anything but I highly doubt it unless they patch servers or something.
I am having the same issue on my shaman. I haven’t been able to determine exactly which talent causes it, but moving around talents as enhance or resto works completely fine, but I am unable to save any talents to Ele currently.
Unfortunately, I saw nothing in the recent Blizzard post about bugfixes…
Wow, not even an acknowledgement of the issue after days of this, and no GM response to the ticket the player submitted about this game-breaking issue. Not everyone goes hyper-casual during pre-patch. Please keep raiders trying to settle down for DF in mind.