Cannot purchase WoW token on Char. Select Menu despite plenty of Gold

Hello all!

Just to show my diligence, I have:

  • Ensured the Realm I am on is the proper Realm;
  • I have swapped from one Realm to another and back to be sure;
  • WoW is updated;
  • My character has 280k gold in their inventory by themselves, plus gold from the AH in the mail. The cost of the token at time of posting was around 275k. I am attaching a screenshot showing my money and my inability to buy a token;
  • I have paid for a sub/had transactions in the game within the last year, so it is not a limitation based upon the 2017 requirement
  • The error when hovering over the greyed out purchase button states that I do not have enough gold on the realm that I am on - but once again, I have double-triple checked I am on Scarlet Crusade where this toon has enough gold.

Why can I not buy the token? I haven’t ever had this issue in the past.

Thanks for your time!
Screenshot showing the Error/My Current Gold → https: // ibb .co/ V2gmMWk (remove spaces; forums giving me issue sharing the reference, sorry!)

A ticket might be better then Tech, a GM could look to see. Not sure if the token price will remain the same in the time though. Customer Support also. I’m not sure what the requirement is to having the gold, but it should draw from all characters on a realm, maybe make sure to change realm to make sure your information is being pulled from the correct spot. One thing though, you can not complete empty a characters gold on the server to buy the token.

I know the support page shows technical, but not really in the realm of a player to player discussion group focused on crashes, lag and install issues.

I don’t suppose if you mouse over the grey box for the add game time, it gives any more information?

I just recently went ahead and submitted a ticket about it as well, just in case. My main point for this post/the reference is that 1 single character has enough on them for the Token, so your point that it draws from multiple characters should make it even easier to possess the threshold of Gold required to buy the token. I have changed the realm to other realms and then back to the one that has most of the resources without any changes.

And in my post above, I stated that when you hover over the greyed out text it simply says that I do not have enough gold on the currently selected Realm - which I am hovering over the character’s info to show that the 1 character on that realm ‘does’ in fact have enough gold.

I appreciate your reply and help to this point regardless! :slight_smile:

It’s moderated, but not by GM staff, so no guarantee of a different answer, but you can edit it over there. But a ticket is just as well, don’t know the response time.

You happen to not remember any other tokens on your account? I think there is warning of this blocking the purchase. You can only have a token for game time, and a token to sell for gold, not both if memory serves.

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You’re sure the gold is in your inv and not your Warband Bank? Unfortunately the system cannot pull from there.

It’s also up to 282,327 at this moment.

No extra tokens to my knowledge as people can’t send them to you as a gift or anything and I’d know if I had actually had the amount of gold needed to get a token and buy one if that had happened previously… In other words, I am usually with just the right amount of savings for a token every month at the end of it, there would have been no other time I had the resources to purchase another with gold / financially with real money either.

What happens if you hit the reactivate now button? Does it take you to the cash payment options?

I saved the money in my warbank originally, but I know I withdrew it all yesterday on this toon in preparation to buy the token before time ran out in the first place, I just had forgotten and got busy IRL so woke up this morning to this problem.

UPDATE (forum wont let me post again yet):

Uh - some how while sitting on the main menu the stuff to Re-Sub all disappeared and my characters unlocked to play. The launcher says I have a day to play once again? What is happening… o_o

It’s rare to happen, but billing probably answered your ticket and granted a bit of game time.

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Yes - I got a notice from a ticket that they were able to help me get in to grab the token - which I did right away!

Thank you all for your help and time!! Seeya in ‘the World’ :smiley:


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