Cannot pick up dredgers in Revandreth for Dirty Job quests

Trying to do the Dirty Job: Demolition Detail quest and I can’t pick up the dredgers. To who ever’s reading this … can you please take the time to acknowledge that you’ve seen this at least? It’s really frustrating to see so many others complete the quest fine and to not be able to get any progress on it.

Bhootam - Emerald Dream, no addons.


I also cannot pick up dredgers with my two characters. I’ve tried leaving the area, reloading the ui and logging out but nothing works


Same here, it didn’t work a few days ago and still doesn’t work now.

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Yea cant do any of these or the renny quests. I cannot finish a calling cause of this.


I’m posting to bump this. I saw that there was a hotfix in the Dec 4th notes but this still doesn’t work properly for me. Thanks in advance.

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Bump. I’m about to miss out on a BiS conduit because I can’t seem to interact with the dredges :confused:

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Hot-Fix didn’t work. Still cant pick up dredgers in this quest…

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Bump. Dirty Jobs : Demolition Detail still doesn’t work. Dredgers cannot be picked up.

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They just turn purple and some text appears, but no dredger.

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Couldn’t do it, either. Can’t pick up the labourers.


Same issue.


I’m also encountering the same issue. Cannot pick up laborers, and it seems another copy of the laborer npc is generated in the exact same spot. Two laborers i can click on, but neither work.

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It is, in fact: BEEE to the ROKEN.


This quest is still bugged for me as of December 25th 2020.

Blizzard, remove the complete sentence requirement for your CRAPPY FORUMS

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Still broken : 26/12/2020.

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I cannot pick up dredgers. I disables all addons, died, reloaded, restarted, freaking waited until another day for same quest, its ridiculous. COMEON BLIZZ!! The button de-spawns instantly

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Still broken: Dec 31st…

Please fix this Blizz?


Heres my question.

How come SOME people can do it and some cant?

I see people doing it…


my main is a female draenei paladin on an oceanic server: can’t pick up dredgers.

my alt is a female maghar warrior on a NA server: can pick up dredgers after a few clicks.

it’s baffling. i should add none of my characters on the oceanic server can pick them up.

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This is still an issue as of today cant pick up on worgen stormrage us