Cannot get to BfA - Level 60 toon

After the squish i had a druid who was level 40ish on Dath’Remar, jumped into random XPs (because i cant remember what she did or didnt do until i hit 48 and moved straight to Shadowlands.

So i’m pretty sure i didnt do the lead in to BfA, now i have a quest to goto Drustvar and i cant get there with seemingly no work around, tried the board and that was of no help, Chromie (bless her) wasnt any help. Any chance i can either get instructions on how to get that sorted OR have it added to my quest log?


I was bumbling around and found it.

So for future reference.

In stormwind at 80, 33 Anduin is standing at a table, and will have a quest that kicks off “The Nation of Kul Tiras” which well starts it!

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i’ve only encountered one quest in SL content which sends players to Drustvar, and there is a portal to Drustvar directly behind the quest giver.

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