Cannot get into account

My old phone died a couple of months ago and when I got a new one I decided to get a new number as well.

Currently trying to log in and cancel my sub before the 6 month subscription ticks over this month. I can log into the forums and get into my account just fine, and I can log into the game just fine too.

But whenever I try to edit details, or submit a ticket, it asks for either text message or authenticator details, which I do not have.

Put in a ticket, your probably gonna have to get them to remove the old Authenticator so that you can change the details.


…thats what I cant do. It asks for authentication whenever I try to.

as i said…

" But whenever I try to edit details, or submit a ticket, it asks for either text message or authenticator details, which I do not have.

Not solved.

The forums isn’t able to be used for this, sadly. You’d be able to put a ticket while not log-in. I can’t remember off the top of my head which path to use for this.


Try this.

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Still takes me to the same screen unfortunately asking for text message or authenticator

Might just cancel the credit card cancel my sub that way.

Try again with a different browser. Also don’t cancel through your credit card as it will cause you problems in the future with any future purchases.


You could create a new bnet account then reference the old account and explain what ur doing.


Spent about 5 minutes clicking through blizzards recursive support interface and eventually found something that might work.

Fingers crossed.
