Cannot gain Artifact Power - Underlight Angler

ya i just got a token the 20 bucks is worth not wasting my time for me

Thank you so much! You’re the MVP here! XD

It works! Evoker Shark time, baby!

For anyone who finds this thread before blizzard fixes it… This run command worked for my Dracthyr


I can load them but I find water walking to be hit or miss. If I was in combat, sometimes the buff does not return after combat. Before the change to profession, before 10.0 dropped the buff would always return instantly after I drop out of combat.

If you just attempt to cast, even nowhere near water, the Fishing for Attention buff will return along with all the Angler’s active traits.

So we can’t re-equip the angler under water if we get attacked so we’d have to go back to a place where we can stand on land to try fishing again to get our passive blessings.

I have a bandaid solution, keep two fishing rods on you, Underlight and whatever else. If you finish a fight under water just right click the secondary pole so it goes into your professions tab, then right click the Underlight to put it back into your professions tab and the passive will work again without having the need to cast the rod.

Or get the fishing raft toy.

This is still busted as of today. Just earned my Underlight Angler on my evoker and can not put in artifact power.

/run for i,powerid in pairs(C_ArtifactUI.GetPowers()) do C_ArtifactUI.AddPower(powerid) end

Copy that into your chat window with the pearl interface open and press enter.

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See above.

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I had only read through the first 10 or so comments up till the part of ‘still broken for Evoker’ and just assumed from there.

Thank you very much for pointing this out specifically. It did solve my issue. Thank you again!

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I just grinded this out today, 1/18/23 and having the SAME issue. They addressed this but still have not fixed it???

This worked for me. Thank you!

I can’t do anything with my UA either. It won’t let me click the altar in my class hall (which it says I have to be at to unlock 1 ability on it to teleport to another fishing pool)
Nothin else.

The altar itself disapears (looses clickie icon) when I have the angler equipped in the fishing journal tab. :frowning:

You get to the skill tree for your UA by clicking on the pearl floating above the fishing pool in Dalaran. It’s a little bit glitchy, though. If I click on the pearl to open up the UA Traits window and then close it, I can’t open it again unless I move out of range of the pearl and then back in range again.

If I’m remembering correctly, it’s always said that crap about going to your class hall and it’s always been wrong. You can’t do anything with your UA in your class hall (other than fish with it if there happens to be a place to fish).

I figured it out after re-reading a whole bunch of stuff/videos too and went back to dalaran, equipped it, and my other artifact weapon (any one of them) and finally was able to click the pearl and the UI opened up the right way and allowed me to click the thing, after a thousand more clicks to get it to actually click.

It’s been an adventure with this fishing rod -_-

Still broken cannot see talent tree or distribute points, How could something like an artifact still not be fixed after this long !!

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