I am having difficulty finding which character my tabard of the lightbringer is stored on. I have it transmogged on this character, but I am having difficulty actually locating the item in any of my banks or bags. Does anyone have any suggestions?
There was an update earlier in the year that moved Tabards automatically to your transmog collection.
We’ve seen this happen for other Tabards too like the Tabard of Flame etc.
Thank you. That’s a real bummer, I was hoping to add the special effect to my action bar.
You can still have the physical version of tabard of the light bringer, and use the effect. I’m fairly certain this posting character has it on.
Edit. Just figured out how to look at it on my phone, this character is wearing it.
Edit number 2: it’s been a long time since Iv been to the tabard vendor (maybe next the the guild charter guy), but with war bands and things idk if you can go their and buy this tabard if it’s in your collection. I also don’t know if you could ever buy this tabard from him once you have it.