Cannot Drop From Combat? Please Report Here

fixed in 8.2


5:45 PM EST July 10, 2019 2019-07-10T21:45:00Z
I had no pet, bodyguard, companion, or guardian summoned or active at any part of this.

I was fighting the Malfunctioning Beastbot rare in Bondo’s Yard in Mechagon Island, after the fight is when I could not leave combat. I ran on foot all the way to the submarine that takes you back to Zuldazar, using it finally got me out of combat, I was then able to head back to Mechagon Island just fine.

Someone was doing the quest to fight robots to access Bondo’s chest of goodies. I believe that is part of the Mechanospider Mount questline. One of my Chi Waves did bounce over and heal that guy, which makes me think I may of been stuck in combat with one of the robots that ran away and became friendly after the person over there beat it up. Could of been a Repeating Wrenchbot I think.

EDIT: Interestingly, I just had this same problem but in the Future (Using the Personal Time Displacer). Instead of the Beastbot rare it was with Bondo himself. After the fight ended I was stuck in combat. I stayed in combat for roughly 10 minutes, I had to run to the Junkwatt Depot on foot, killing multiple enemies on the way there, and then I waited for The Rusty Prince to spawn. Killing the Rusty Prince made me drop combat. During this whole time, Izira Gearsworn was my bodyguard. This happened at 6:10PM EST, July 10th 2019-07-10T22:10:00Z

Thanks Nok, I noticed this yesterday after reset. Hopefully, they got it fixed for good.


Bojay/Earthen Ring
Many Dates/Many times
No pets/body guards

Seems to happen a lot on the Western Spray of Mechagon. Go out, kill a rare, can’t get out of combat.
Have to hard close the game. Log in with a different character to force myself out. Then log back in.

Character: Seijin

Realm: Moon Guard

Zone: Mechagon

Time: Wednesday evening around 630 server time

Incident: Happened twice in a row. The first time I fought the Rolly Gulper for the quest and was stuck in combat from then on. The second time was after fighting Roadtrogg and Junkrat.

Resolution: Literally the only thing that worked for me was to hearth. I couldn’t exit the game. Couldn’t use the flight master. Running all the way back to the flight point from where Roadtrogg/Junkrat were didn’t help. I even went to task manager and killed the game and battlenet. When I logged back in, was STILL in combat. Had to hearth both times and then had to fly all the way back to Mechagon.

I am constantly combat locked in the zone Mechagon.

It happens every day. I run across the entire island and I am still stuck in combat. The only solution is to either die or go into task manager and shut down the program then relog.

Here is my thread-many other people report the same thing. Of note, some people have to take the ship out of the zone to get out of combat.

This is happening to me in both Legion and BFA zones, fortunately I am a rogue so using vanish works most of the time. It happens so frequently to me that I legitimately thought it wasn’t a bug until I saw this, and if I were to list every time it happens I’d be posting every half an hour.

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Antimaga, Alexstrasza.
7-10-19 11AM MST
Had to log off and log back on again to clear in combat.

It’s a problem in Legion and later at least. Both a guildie and I, no champions, neither hunters with anything resembling pets, had to trek literally across the zone of Stormheim before hearthing out. Getting into combat and then back out didn’t help.

I noticed once that my Auto Attack was on and hit it and combat went away. This rarely works.

I have been stuck in combat in Warsong Gulch literally after ressing from the combat prior.

The game seems to not have this problem allowing druids to become stag form, but it does prevent us/them from flight form.

Flight whistle won’t work in combat, hearth is about all you can do except log out.

I can’t name characters and times/dates because it just happens so often it’s a multiyear history. If the game could be aware that the NPC involved was unimportant (A) and far enough away (B) and drop combat because no one is trying to cheat, they’re trying to get the heck away from some NPC that has its “eye” on you but the game won’t tell me who it is. In many cases I get to a place where I actually see the enemy engaged in combat with others – this happens with gray enemies constantly. Aggroed on and of course had to be killed by me, but somebody else’s loot. Until THEIR mob is dead I can’t mount.

Ultimately, I found the best way to get rid of it is to log out. Painful as that 20 seconds is, it’s a lot less time than haggling with having to hike – which usually doesn’t work anyway.

This is also related to mobs following me across Drustvar. Mobs following me through the water because they’re programmed to judge how far they are from their base by the GROUND and when they’re swimming, they ain’t on the ground.

If the thing is not in my face attacking me, and it’s NOT another player, it has no right to keep me in combat longer than the 20 seconds it takes to log out, certainly, and has no right to keep me from use of my flight whistle, at least.

I can tell the game has a “check” that it does every so often to see if combat status has changed or not and it isn’t often enough. I see a mounted player who I’m in combat with run like a mile before I’m able to mount and chase – it’s really a problem.

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My character, right now, Arom’s Stand. Got stuck in combat twice just now in the quest where you must heal six soldiers and kill eight horde. The potion in that house makes my LF Draeni unable to get out, BTW.

PvP combat with other players just outside the gates to Arom’s Stand facing west, there are no NPCs to be in combat with. I believe I killed players both times and had to run all the way back into town to get clear and be able to mount.

I had the same experience with Mechagon and having to SWIM out to the great sea. I posted to you three times on Twitter showing three locations. Bugs here can’t have images so people post bugs there and if you’re not paying attention to both then you’re missing bugs.

EDIT: This thread reads like a PTSD trauma victims’ group.


Drassian, Garrosh, earlier tonight – 7/29/19 because I have to add via edit what I should be able to via post – was in the grassy area between Rustbolt and Alliance area (it’s a rise just opposite entrance to dungeon) and healed someone in Rustbolt and of course got aggro (even using the fireworks toy on a corpse aggros, and that’s just stupid), went into BG and got out of combat, exit BG – still in combat. Same thing happened again a bit later. I had to swim out just as if I were being attacked by the defenders but no one was around me. Earlier tonight by about 3 hours or so,say 8:30 pm PDT because my time stamp will be likely useless.

char: Vulpesia
realm: Steamwheedle Cartel
date/time: 7/11/19 01:40am EST
no pets/bodyguards, grouped with a prot warrior
became stuck after joining combat on the beastbot in bondo’s yard, there may have been a hunter in the pile of people on the rare, but I was not grouped with anyone with any pets of any kind
I am attempting to log out, as nothing else worked.

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As an update, I was able to log out (with the count down timer) and when I logged back in I was out of combat.

Additionally both myself and my prot warr companion were stuck in combat out in the Western Strand with some gnome bots stuck in the ground under the upside down crawler near where Paol spawns. (Submitted a bug report in game at that one.)

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Hardwire-Velen, July 10, stuck in combat multiple times on Mechagon. Not sure of the exact times, probably between 7pm and 10pm Eastern time. No pets, no bodyguards. The first occurance began during Off-the-Books Brawlin’ and continued through my swim back to the island, my run to the town, my run to the Alliance flight path, and then through a force quit of the game. I finally logged in on another character and back to Hardwire to reset it.

I also had to force quit the game to get out of combat out near the scrap yard and by the Outflow.

On Argus right next to the ship portal in Hope’s Landing, not even sure why, but the Lightforged were all aggroed to me and I could not break combat. I also couldn’t really interact with anything even following a complete restart of the game. Finally ported to Orgrimmar somehow but now I cannot get to Dalaran, it just says “Transfer Aborted: instance not found” every time I try.

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Kulakai-Nesingwary Beast Master with Hati active. This has been pretty constant for me in 8.2. But the most notable was last Sunday where I was questing and killing rares in a group in Mechagon with a windwalker monk and a boomkin. I was unable to leave combat after every fight until I feigned death. My guildies would often be able to run off well before I could get out of combat. (Sometimes FD was on cooldown.) In several cases they had to stop dps on a rare to allow me time to catch up to their location and still get credit on the kill.

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Xylaria - Muradin US
7/11/2019 3:15 pm EST
Fel Hunter pet
Snowblossom Village island expedition, Heroic island
Combat never dropped from the moment we entered combat with the first pack. We spent the entire instance in combat.

Psylocke - Proudmoore
7/11/2019 14:47-14:53ish
Junkwatt Depot

I dismissed my pet but was still stuck in combat. It finally released me out of combat when I made it - on foot - to Rustbolt.

Stuck in combat for two seconds after:

  • Exiting a Tortollan quest (or similar)
  • Taking out a pterodax in the assault quest in Zuldazar where you must drive off ten.

My character earlier today if you need that.

Your English is better than that of most American players. I did see the word “thought” without an H but you’re fine.

The fact that this has been a bug since vanilla means bug readers have been ignoring me for a decade or more on the matter. I knew it would become an issue, finally, because water-walking mounts are now not just for bugs and EVERYONE notices. Whomever said it had been worse since Legion was spot on. The first time I really remember getting upset since coming back mid-Legion after leaving early Pandaria was having to hike across Stormheim once and still not resolve combat.

You guys say you play your own game, yet you’re just now acknowledging a vanilla bug.

Brugalex, Fenris
July 12, around 12:10am
No Pets/Bodyguards

I’ve very rarely experienced this, ever, but have many times since 8.2 in mechagon.

Took a FP from Boralus to Mechagon, went AFK for about 5 minutes and when I got back was stuck in combat. Tried killing everything targetable but no joy. Couldn’t log out/take fp/whistle, etc. Had to Alt-F4 out, wait a min and log back in.

First time this specific situation has happened.

Usually happens (in Mechagon) when running through two fighting npcs (I’m looking at you Western Spray). If I go back through my path and kill everything in sight that usually drops combat.