Cannot create a DK

So, they made it to where you can make your first DK free from the lvl 55 restrictions on here but it refuses to let me do it. My buddy has a DK and it is his only character on here.

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Really missed the boat on that one. They put the restriction back in ages ago.

They realized they could sell botters a boost instead of giving them one for free. It’s a win for botters as well because they start at 80 instead of 55 in a locked starting area. I’m sure botters were quite happy with this change.

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Nothing has been said about that and as far as i can see, it was said by a blue that is was being left open.

They added the restrictionback because bots were using it.

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Go figure. Instead of fixing the bot issue, they just punish the plays again instead. So lots of people get to have a free DK w/o grinding to lvl 55 but anyone new, nope…

It’s not a big deal to get to 55.


Don’t worry. Blizz gave you the ability to buy a level 80 boost. :+1:

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Almost like you gotta put in some work to hit those gold-awarding quests?

(also I doubt any legit player coming to Wrath while they weren’t restricted would have immediately started a DK without at least attempting to do something else, plus with JJ up it’s simple as hell to hit 55 anyway)


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