Cannot complete "I Pitied the fool" love is in the air achievement

Not sure how this can be true, as the event started at 10am PST on Tuesday (I would know, as I logged on half an hour before and the boss queue was unavailable, aside from the fact the holidays all start at that time) but weekly reset is 7am PST.

Reset definitely didn’t have an impact, but another hotfix later in the week potentially could have. It wouldn’t shock me if there were some shenanigans occurring in Classic’s raids with its versions of the holiday, so Blizzard attempted to hotfix it away and accidentally applied the restriction to retail.

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same. ugh.

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Look at the calendar, it started on Monday.

But this is also 100% possible.

Either way its more of a curiosity than anything, it needs to get fixed all the same.

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I stand correct. January was a long year. :disappointed:


Hey Blizz, whoever flipped the switch a couple days ago making the Love Fool not usable inside for Naxx needs a pay reduction…

Or to the Blizz employee who flipped the switch, fix yourself and flip the switch back… I just wasted 3 Love Fools (30 Love Tokens)…

PLEASE FIX ASAP! I got 4/5 complete and would like to get my Meta this year!


Same here. Bumping


Adding my name to the hat, just missing Naxx for this and have submitted a ticket.


Just submitted a ticket as well, and recieved a very generic response. I hope they fix this soon because this is the very last achievement I need to get my title. I’ve been working on “What a long strange trip it’s been.”


This is now officially on their Radar.

I would recommend continuing to post (if you haven’t already) and continuing to submit bug reports (if you haven’t already) for the purpose of providing sheer numbers (it needs to be clear it’s not a rare occurrence) - at least until they either fix it or make an actual post about it.


Good! Hope it’s fixed sooner than later!

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This is just so unacceptable. I’m tired of there being bugs for EVERY single event in the game. Either fix it before the event ends or remove it from the meta achievement. Jesus.


Same for me as well :frowning: I’m trying to make a ticket in game but the customer ‘support’ link just spins. :sob:


Good to see official recognition of this bug, but the issue still occurs as described as of the time of this post.


I keep refreshing this page in hopes someone will say it’s fixed, so I don’t continuously go back to the raid :sweat_smile:


You aren’t likely to see weekend fixes for things like this which still have a very large window to complete if they were to instead fix it on a weekday. Expect to see something tomorrow afternoon.


This seems like the best solution, but it wont happen. Theyll just ignore it until the event is over and say try again next year.

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Same problem for me as well.

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crazy that blizzard just takes our money and ignores bugs.

I was able to get the achievement to work for the dungeon Culling of Stratholme. You have to be “outside” which in the dungeon requires you to no be in the entrance. You have to run through the dungeon a little bit until you’re actually outdoors on the dirt path.

You can reference the video here:

Fool For Love Achievement Guide :two_hearts: WoW Love Is In The Air Holiday | How to Get The Love Fool Title

This thread is about Naxx.

Yes, for CoS you just need to move forward a bit so you’re outside.