Doing Junkyard mythic+ and couldn’t attack an explosive orb that was inside the Smoke Cloud on the Trixie & Naeno encounter. Here is a clip of it.
clips .dot. twitch .dot. tv .slash. ExquisitePlumpSheepJebaited
Doing Junkyard mythic+ and couldn’t attack an explosive orb that was inside the Smoke Cloud on the Trixie & Naeno encounter. Here is a clip of it.
clips .dot. twitch .dot. tv .slash. ExquisitePlumpSheepJebaited
That’s what “Smoke Cloud” is supposed to do for any target within it. I’ve never seen any statement that affix mobs are supposed to be immune to encounter environment effects.
Probably not a bug, but QA will decide.
do you realize if is impossible to attack the orb inside the smoke cloud is wipe every time it happens?..
Which means that this is a JY skip week.
Bad affixes are supposed to be a part of M+.
Although something occurs to me… you can’t AoE any target in the cloud, and the cloud edge is treated as breaking los. So the explosives in the smoke cloud shouldn’t be doing any damage, even if it detonates. If the Smoke Cloud is treated consistently, that is.
no my dude you getting it wrong no explosive should be spawning there is not about good or bad affixes, tell me something how many orcs are need it in siege of Orgrimmar to free Gamon?
Lots of threads about targeting explosives this week.
This is either a bug are very serious issue with game design. Basically the challenge should be coming from within the screen, not between the screen and the player.
Games that play well make sure the interface accurately picks up and performs the players intent. Leaving the challenge in the game.
Games that play poorly leave gamer’s screaming “Why wont it do what I’m trying to tell it do” while throwing controllers through walls.