Cancelled sub. Farewell effective January 10th

If you don’t care, why did you read it?


TBH if it wasn’t for the fact that I was making gold from emissary I would quit too

GCD = you can’t one shot people with macros anymore

I recall the same treatment happening to monks when Babylonius a huge monk guide writer made an incredibly in depth guide to the issues monks had which was immediately dismissed by a CM stating “we can’t just make every class super op”.

And you can’t instantly react to mechanics which can spell death on higher difficulties

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While likely not permanent, I have also allowed my sub to lapse while I take a break. The current content is uninspiring. Nothing feels fun. To save some typing, I will just link my previous thoughts.

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Mine is gone soon too. How many more lost subs will it take before the lawyer is fired and real devs that arent arrogant take over?


So doubling down on dumb grindy game design. Sorry but its not gonna be fun either.


I believe they were speaking for someone else to make a point.

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A lot of people liked Legion artifact weapons, despite the grind. I have to believe that making the Azerite system more like that will be an improvement.

see you in classic where rogues dominated with zero gear…lol.

I have a feeling Classic will only be classic in spirit, everything else will be modernized and changed to be fair.

it will still be better then bfa.

Classic influenced BfA, I bet Current will influence Classic, and not in a good way.

What made people like doing the grind was these were items of lore, looked awesome and were your most important slot. No one gives a crap about the lore of the heart of azeroth because it was so hamfisted, you can’t even see the necklace let alone customize it and it’s in one of the least important slots.

I hope you’re right I really do, but I just don’t see much changing.


Only thing they copied from Classic was clunky rotations and the number of bugs that went live. Bfa still hands out epics, let’s you see raids with incredibly low item level and makes it so soloing world content is easily done.

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Oh okay then…

It’s honestly a shame since i really liked Legion.

They copied more than that, but think what you want.

Can’t way you’re wrong, and as a topic aside it’s certainly troubling that Blizzard has removed exit surveys/feedback when people cancel.

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