Cancelled account because I can't contact support

The real problem is how the system detects the user is talking about an issue that can’t be ticketed.

A ticket is either submitted by walking through a category tree, and the categories are constructed so that it’s impossible to get to a category for a subject not supported by a ticket. So the system can’t really tell the user wanted an unsupported category; it’s like the system trying to detect you someplace that doesn’t exist.

Or else the ticket is created with a “describe the problem” freeform entry. With a sufficiently smart AI, maybe that could detect a “GM can’t help you with this problem” state, but I’m still skeptical of that.

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im getting very close to this myself because my tickets are not being answered for ongoing packet loss on blizzard side. tickets just marked resolved and closed.

Did you put in the ticket with tech support? Gm’s do not answer tech support stuff and tech support forum might be able to help you figure this out.

Also packet loss could be when I saw your ping report in the other post on your side possibly with the time out on ping 2 and further down the time some place other then blizzard.

If you use wireless try going wired, check your connections and post on tech support!


The WINMTR or Ping test will time out when it hits the Blizzard servers. Those are masked for security reasons. Blizzard can not discuss the internal workings with you. They really don’t have much they can do with individual troubleshooting, esp outside their network.

When Blizzard has an issue, it impacts thousands of people at one time.

Looking at your Tech Support forum post, what little data you have posted looks well within normal range.

Blizz sadly does not own the internet either and really can’t help with issues getting connected unless it is actually at Blizzard and a chunk of players are all down. Other players can help you though and I see an MVP did jump in. You will want to follow through with your thread and give Elocin the info they are asking for in your own thread.

Here is how to do the WINMTR. Let it run for 10 mins or so when you feel you are having issues. That will collect data for that whole 10 mins for every single physical hop your data goes through. It will show packet loss, and latency for every physical hop that is not masked by security protocols.


I haven’t looked at your tests, but “packet loss” at Blizzard’s servers (and many other services’ servers) is normal; they’re just configured to not reply to requests.


i did actually

ty for your detailed reply. ive included things in the ticket that was over a hour on pings to show the packet loss as it comes and goes. its def not normal on my side though as latency climbs during est prime time

I am going to share an observation about Tech Support since the layoffs. I have not seen any Blue posts anymore in the TS forums. I am not sure what support is left on the ticket side, and even then most connection issues are outside Blizzard’s control.

I don’t work there. I don’t know for sure what is up. I just wanted to try to encourage you to use the TS forum and work with Elocin, or other players. I think that is going to be the best chance you have at information.


current wait is 9 days on in game tickets… Customer support is in a bad place.

Unfortunately, that’s in part due to people putting in tickets that Blizz simply cannot help with (much like the OP’s issue).

If you would like a little direction on whether or not your issue is something a GM can help with or if someone might know a workaround, then please feel free to share a little info here.

But between people putting in tickets for issues that GMs are hands-off with, to people putting in 9+ appeals for something that they’ve been told will not be reversed, the only thing that Blizz can do is attempt to play catchup.


I understand you’re stuck in a frustrating position but nobody is trolling you.


I can’t speak for your experiences, but I had no issue opening a ticket today.



Dunno what to tell you, except that it isn’t Blizzard.


Oh hey, there are 51 tickets between ours.

That’s a lot of tickets in the past … five minutes or so?

I hate to be a broken record, but I’m afraid Blizzard doesn’t take tickets over the forums as that’d be a logistics nightmare. This forum is more of a player-player info desk.

If you have a ticket open and received a template reply, there should be instructions in it, or a link to instructions to request additional help. The template just contains information which hopefully helps the majority of cases.

This all assumes this is a scenario Blizzard is able to assist with.

To be very clear – Ekon isn’t saying you’re lying. Ekon is saying that they’re able to open a ticket.


If you can point to exactly one instance of where I said that, I’ll gladly stop.


Under no circumstances should you not be upset. Not a single person has suggested that possibility that I have yet seen. What is NOT okay is lashing out and being verbally abusive to Blizzard and other players alike.

The age-old adage “two wrongs don’t make a right” is entirely applicable to your posts. Being upset or frustrated is perfectly acceptable. Breaking the CoC is not the response.


Thread got bumped. Now I am get helped and OP can get help. Now they don’t need to cancel sub if they get their help.

GMs cannot fix bugs. It is extremely rare for GMs to be able to assist with bugs as those need to be addressed by the QA and Dev teams.

If your account had the CE applied to it, then it’s not possible for that to disappear. In almost every case of this happening, it’s that the player is logging into the wrong account or does not have the appropriate filters showing ALL pets/mounts. In rare cases, it’s a faulty UI which can be fixed via a Full UI Reset.

A GM or one of our blues might be able to point you to the right account.

That’s only 2 issues, so I’m not sure what the 3rd one was.


Your ticket claims Lil Deathwing disappeared, yet I see it in your collection.

This is most likely just a UI/display issue. It IS there.

I’d do a full and proper reset UI, see if that helps.

With WoW totally shutdown. Move, rename or delete your WTF, Cache and Interface folders. If you move or rename them, you can restore them easily.