Canceled Subscription

Sorry to hear Noodosha.
No need to tell others to do the same though. Just go relax with your family, do something else. I think just as when MT was current in Legion… or with any challenge you face head on continuously… it really takes a toll.

At least it’ll be back if you ever want to go at it again… [there are some guides on cheesing it with some big helpful items etc] so it’s do able, just can be tough for a number of folks.

I do agree, WoW, or any escape with sunk cost can become addictive and leaving it, or even taking a break feels like a weight off your shoulders.

Anyways, good luck with whatever you go on to do and enjoy it first and foremost! :slight_smile:

I do :slight_smile:

Since Blizz won’t let me buy 6 months of game time anymore I instead buy 6 month subs then cancel them so I cancel my sub more often than there are “I’m canceling my sub” posts :rofl:

How are casuals forced to do any challenging content? For one mog? Sorry brah but 99% of all content in this game is dumb easy with very easy to get cosmetic having a tiny bit require a challenge isnt a issue


But they have to get the mage tower transmog (even though they’ll never wear it) because it’s going away and wowhead said they had to!

I wish Blizzard would cut off the ability to post on the forums the moment people cancel their sub.

No one is forced into anything. This just shows how much drama people create to push a poor agenda and attempt to divide the playerbase even more.

You know what they’re not forced to do either ? Stay subscribed.

More and more users are picking this option since Blizzard is obviously not going to fix the game.


There’s nothing to fix. The mage tower challenge is SUPPOSED to be hard. Can’t fix what isn’t broken.


It seems like you are happy about it, so I’m happy for you.:slightly_smiling_face:

Now, the 2nd step is to actually quit. That step includes leaving the forums too. It can be difficult, but if you want to leave the game it’s pretty much required.

Best of luck, and if you decide to come back later, I’m sure not much will have changed in the meantime.

Guess this game is as good as dead with this attitude, since users are leaving, and there’s apparently nothing to fix.

Which one ? Certainly not VDH, because that’s dead easy. Arms ? Nope. Braindead. Fury maybe ? Nope.

So is it supposed to be hard ? Because some are dead easy.

These sweeping generalizations of “It’s hard!” are dumb because unlike Classic toons, we play the game and can see a bunch aren’t and a bunch are. Anyone that says anything black or white about the tower is a troll. It varies and is highly dependant on which encounter for which spec you’re talking about.


Everyone is forced to play the game the way it is possible to play the game.

Don’t think Force = gun
Think force = food (to live) or eyes (to see)

In order to see your response I am forced to read it (since I don’t have any text to speech setup :laughing: )

I’m tired, but I’m really hoping that’s sarcasm. lol

No why would it be?
Do you want to stay alive? Then you’re forced to breathe.
In order to get those mage tower skins/mount/cheeve you are forced to do the mage tower.

Actually you could pay for a pilot I guess :laughing:

It’s your choice to get them or not. No one is forcing anyone into content. It’s a requirement to complete the challenge to get the reward for said challenge. It’s not forced.

True :+1: No one has forced anyone to want anything, I don’t even think that’s possible :thinking: You could force someone to say they want something but you can’t change what a person truly wants.

Want the item? Forced to do the requirement :man_shrugging:

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Don’t forget to get vaccinated!

I resumed my sub for 9.1.5 and probably only played 15 minutes total for the last two months.

Sub runs out anytime now. Will probably miss the forums more than the game, not interested in 9.2 or anything blizz has in store for SL, or the next expac with these devs.

Enjoy the rest of your year! Happy new year! :balloon::confetti_ball::fireworks:


Why would blizzard change anything when they literally have people pay them money every month so they can whine on the forums?


You know what you’re right I should go unsub from Final Fantasy 14

3 months left until mine’s done too :partying_face: