"Cancel Culture" is not real. Its literally just the free market working like its supposed too

I started school in Alaska, look at a map and you’ll see that it is all uphill from wherever you live (unless of course you’re in Alaska, Nunavut, Yukon, NWT, or Siberia).

You can cheer on or deny the existence of cancel culture at your own peril.

You should keep in mind the pendulum always swings back and historically the right has always been far more ferocious than the left could ever even dream of being. Don’t believe for a second the arguments you use today won’t be used against you tomorrow.

Like the Latino fired from his job for doing the “ok” sign in traffic?

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They’ll do it anyway. Remember when the right said Obama shouldn’t be able to nominate a Supreme Court justice in the last year of his presidency but then let Trump do it? Of course conservatives want the left to inhibit themselves as much as possible; the easiest battles to win are the ones where you convince the opponents to not show up. But the idea that if the left muzzles itself the right will be inspired to similar restraint is contradicted by the actual behavior of the right over the last 50 years.


My apologies if I offended you and your playlist of Taylor Swift, Araine Grande, and Shawn Mendes, but not everyone likes manufactured music.

There have been a few decent songs in the past few years, but you’re delusional if you think today’s music is awesome. That’s speaking objectively.


People who are working at the polling stations are allowed to provide water, but they already had a rule in place forbidding corporations from sponsoring events and bribing potential voters with food and gifts. The new law will simply enforce this.

Drop boxes will also have supervision, much to the dismay of many Dems…

Not sure why anyone would disagree with voter ID to vote, a few countries are demanding a vaccination passport ID just to go shopping, with some states in the US to follow suit.

Well no, that isn’t what the changes about allowing food and water are about. nothing about enforcing “corporations from sponsoring events and bribing potential voters with food and gifts” in the changes to the laws in Georgia.

The law previously said that:

(a) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any person distribute or display any campaign material,”


“nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast:

(1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established;

(2) Within any polling place; or

(3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place.

These restrictions shall not apply to conduct occurring in private offices or areas which cannot be seen or heard by such electors. "

This is changed to insert the line

where I put (X) above.

Further subsection e is modified, it used to read:

“(e) This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer from distributing materials, as required by law, which are necessary for the purpose of instructing electors or from distributing materials prepared by the Secretary of State which are designed solely for the purpose of encouraging voter participation in the election being conducted.”

So that the new version can’t be interpreted to require the disabling of drinking fountains that subsection now reads:

“(e) This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer from distributing materials, as required by law, which are necessary for the purpose of instructing electors or from distributing materials prepared by the Secretary of State which are designed solely for the purpose of encouraging voter participation in the election being conducted or from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in line to vote.”

Have you actually read the bill as passed for your self? Your remarks seem to make it look like you haven’t. Like all state and federal laws, the full text is available to the public.

Read the part about changes to applying for and using absentee-by-mail ballots. Especially, but not exclusively, the parts about voter ID as now required for persons using absentee-by-mail ballots.

I think if cancel culture ever found out about Zap Magazine or The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, they would have a stroke. Especially Zap Magazine. They not only go there, they pass it by about a million light years.


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Then why the hell are you listening to top 40? Newsflash, there are literally thousands of indy artists making awesome music. But again, you just want to cry and pretend like theres not.

The wife and kid listen to it… While I sit there desperately trying to keep my few remaining brain cells.


I read your comment calling the law a “childish swipe” by “not allowing water” then you proceed to quote the law proving me right?

The law has been in place since 2008(?), and was the result of I believe Starbucks bribing voters with free food and drinks.

You should have more issues with people that will freely give their vote for a sandwich… In Arizona the Dems were bribing $50 for a vote.

Every argument against voter ID that I’ve come across is overtly racist.

Oddly LC 28 0338S S. B. 202 (SUB) the "Election Integrity Act of 2021” has not been in place since 2008. The previous law it replaces says nothing about bribing voters with free food and drinks the text “nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector” is appended to the original wording about “… distributing or displaying campaign material”.

I have no idea if your story about bribery in Arizona is as inaccurate as your information about the Georgia law that it looks like you have not read, but at least in New York that would result in a felony conviction, although how you would know how a person voted after they took your money is a mystery.

Again, you’re being quite snippy after proving me right… might want to get a coffee!

The rule was put in place years ago, they’re only now deciding to enforce it. I would have to look up the fact-checking site for you, but I don’t see the point since you already proved me right…


Lets see, I quoted the actual law that was voted on and passed, it directly contradicts what you said, and some how this proves you right?
There is nothing in the original S. B. 202 about restrictions on giving food and drink, that wording is added in the "Election Integrity Act of 2021” .

If you believe whatever news outlet or social media page you read is a more accurate representation of the law then the actual text of the law, then I guess you’re just the voter the two major parties want.

I don’t drink coffee.

Dunno whether to say bless your heart for continuing to explain things or to laugh at you for continuing to interact with this fool


I always try to be patient and give the benefit of the doubt, but you’re right and they’ve proven to be a troll in previous posts.

I always use the original definition of troll as in slowly dragging a fishing line, as it was before the internet was spoiled by the web (can’t remember if the term originated on ARPA Net or later but certainly predates the web) rather than the monster from fairy tales. So yes, it can be said that I’ve risen to the bate. :man_shrugging:

You said that the “bit about not allowing food and water” and went on to quote the “new version”

So they are allowed to provide water, they’re just not allowed to hang about the water cooler trying to influence the voter.

So we can see that there has been a lot of misinformation put forward, even by yourself. You posted parts of the law, and still don’t understand it fully, so not sure why I’m such a bad person to look for an explanation from several sources.

EDIT: my apologies. I quoted from the Washington Examiner, I thought it was from MSNBC. A source more suitable to your partisanship.

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Cancel culture is very real. Its a weaponized tactic to destroy the lives of innocent people (most of the time) and remove them from society. Its becoming more radical with every passing day. If it isn’t stopped soon there will be enough people on board with it to where you will see a lot of innocent people being hurt and killed and very few if any speaking out against it. 2020 was a preview of much worse things to come if we don’t all collectively see each other as humans instead of enemies just because we have different perspectives and beliefs.


Name one person thats been “removed from society”.

Ignoring the point to stay blinded in your bias perspective. Do you think anyone who goes after another person in an attempt to ruin their lives wants them in society or even alive for that matter? If you hate someone so much you are willing to do things that will result in them losing their livelihood and other damages then you do not care about the life of that person. The intent was to hurt them so the more damage the better. That is the point of me saying removed from society. It was a literal and figurative sense.

So you cant even name one, got it.