Canadian election largely unchanged

Feels the same as when I realized South Park had episodes visiting places I’ve gone. Not exactly the same, but having lived in Colorado my entire life, seeing places and locations that I knew in South Park’s style was absolutely amazing. :joy:

But that’s so cool!

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What one is orange? That might not even be a color, could be a piece of fruit.

Imagine having your leader be a piece of fruit from the grocery store.

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They brew a craft beer here, the Puppers they use in the show. Dog on the can and everything.

I wish I could send you a 6 pack! Sent so many to my American friends.


The thing is, we don’t embrace him. We kinda hate him. But, like Biden vs trump we all look at the alternative and go Yikes. For the majority of progressives, we want to vote NDP or even green, which are actual left-left parties, not centrist hairpieces. But we can’t because vote splitting.


You do know Trump was on record refusing to rent to black people? We still elected him. A bit more serious than a poorly chosen costume.

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Jagmeet Singh is actually a badass. He’s kinda like our Bernie. He’s also pretty young and fired up. They old NDP leader was just a milqtoast retiree.

I don’t think we do. I think the lack of where the money would come from prevented that not vote splitting.

NDP remind me of AOC and Bernie, a lot of promises, but no answers on how they will pay for it.

But you made me talk politics… bad Luup, bad Alakhai!


No one has answered my question…

Can moose vote in canada?

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Nope, but the beavers can! As long as they register their huts.

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Oh so it’s kind of like in the US where it’s like “well I can vote for this guy who kinda sucks or vote for this guy who’ll bring about the literal end of the world.”

First Past the Post needs to go.


That surprises me. Don’t you use them as hats?

That’s nice you let them vote.

Nah that’s racoons. Beaver tails are not fluffy…

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Don’t forget, you can always vote your conscience and throw your vote away!

This is why the green party does more harm then good running in heavy right wing districts. Like, our only hope in those areas is to elect a centrist, but you’re gonna suck up like 2000 votes from fools, oh-kay.

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Trudeau was found to have accessed the progressive “costume” design of racial skin darkening no less then 3 times. Was still elected, twice now, even though that is supposed to be the crime of all crimes on the left pole.

I have no love for Trump. I don’t know why calling out the bad behavior of one politician makes me a supporter of another.


How comparable are CA politics to US?

Like when they say conservative in U.K., it’s far more centrist with regards to American politics.

And some folks said the liberals in the US wouldn’t be left enough for liberals overseas.

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Yes, this is how parliamentary democracies work, same as in the UK. The PM can call an election whenever they want; but, it’s a very, very calculated risk when they do so. Ideally, if you’re the PM, you want to call an election when your party is running high in the polls. (Remember: PMs are not directly elected. When you go to the polls, you only vote for your member of parliament, and the party chooses the PM).

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Trudeau isn’t progressive. He’s a legacy dandy boy who spews out progressive words and then starts building pipelines he said he would cancel.

He’s just another two-faced talking head, but the alternative is worse.

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He does have a nice face though.


How do I make this happen? I would like to be your friend.

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Thank you for the explanation.