Canadian Dollar (CAD) Price Change for World of Warcraft Game Time (Excludes Subscriptions)

What I don’t understand is they say

But then immedately after they say

So they went from we will be to we have already implemented this change in the same breath.


No, it’s different.
Subs remain the same cost.
Tokens remain the same price but they redeem for more.
Gametime costs for more.

Also known as : screw people holding battlenet balance but giving a discount to all other Blizz products (relatively speaking) for the future.

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It is redeeming for 21.99
30 day sub is 21.99 now
How am I getting more?

Soon can be minutes, hours, days. So it can still happen later today and still be soon.

It remains unchanged because they increased the value of the token. So it’s still a month sub.

How about this is some serious BS? Why do I have to pay more to play my favorite game? We’re in the middle of a global pandemic. I’m pissed because this doesn’t line up with the exchange rate. You’re making us pay more so you can profit. Scummy move.


Who the hell pays for wow with gametime?

If you are paying gold to buy in-game the wow token then redeem it, you are redeeming it now for 21.99 and the months sub has risen now to 21.99. I think we are having a disconnect in this conversation.

Right, they increased the worth of the token, so the price remains unchanged. And since the token is worth more, it’s a discount for using WOW gold on other Blizzard products or services (like realm transfers.)

It’s 2020. Companies and institutions jamming in more bad news before the year ends. lol


Wildebunny is saying that our gold stretches further with this change, since buying a Token (with Gold for Balance) will yield more balance than before, yet services and shop items remain unchanged.

This decreases the amount of gold needed to convert to balance for these services and cosmetics.

What are you on about.

The worth of the token is dependent on how you acquire it.
If I’m using in game gold to buy it from the AH.

TOKEN converts to 21.99 bnet balance
CDN sub for 30 days is 21.99

How am I getting more for my token and thus un affected.

What backwards logic is this :rofl:

Why is it that no one understands this? It’s clearly stated in the post. Is basic reading comprehension just something we’ve done away with now? lol

Merry Xmas from Canada, add another Cancelled Sub to the stocking.


I’m honestly beginning to think Blizzard hires trolls to defend them.


The number of people that fail at math (like yourself) is astounding.

Get’s the popcorn, and sits in a recliner This is going to be good. If they even respond.

The day it becomes that expensive in the US, is the day I stop playing.

They could create a new store pet and easily fix that.

You’ve mis-understood, as have a lot of people apparently, but I’m not gonna quote them all.

Purchasing straight game time the price is increased. If you have a subscription, the prices are unchanged, so still $18.99 for monthly subscription.

If you are not subbed with re-occurring payments, you’re going to pay more.

If you subscribe instead, you’ll pay what you have been paying.


Well, you see, Canada is a very big country and they have high delivery costs to send all that dataz and internetz to far away places…


No because we are talking about the token price in relation to the cdn sub. Not the ‘‘Ooo I can now buy less tokens to get items faster’’

Like I said, there was a disconnect in our conversation as you weren’t ‘wording’ yourself correctly to what point you were trying to make.