Regrettably this is something that might never happen. In it’s own way the cloak is like the mage tower from Legion. Both are special features to an older expansion, unlocking the cloak requirement (because some people were not around) could justify unlocking the mage tower (because some people were not around). I think Blizzard has put their foot down on not reopening the mage tower for the foreseeable future.
Blizzard having a problem with the coding is not the same as players demanding they don’t drop the cloak requirement.
So yes, rumors are being spread.
Wrong. Blizzard did not remove the cloak because of players asking for it to be removed. They removed it due to their storyline direction at the time and they didn’t want that type of questline leftover after the expansion ended.
Stop spreading lies.
Wrong wrong and so wrong. You’re assuming stuff and you are WRONG. They removed the cloak due to their own reasons concerning the way they were going with the storyline. They were even thinking of retconning Wrathion at one point. They didn’t like the way his storyline was going and didn’t want that type of questline leftover after the expansion was over.
Just stop. You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.
Oh seriously, stop being an idiot. It’s well documented that the removal of the cloak and quest chain was done because Blizzard wanted people to have an “I was there” thing. That’s not a rumour, or a lie. It’s fact.
The whole “I was there” thing was, at the time, a topic frequently coming up on podcasts like The Instance, and devs were heard seeding the idea that the “I was there” aspect of the game had been lost, very much in the same way they seeded the “we regret adding flying” mantra. I remember an episode of the Convert To Raid podcast where Solar (now a Blizz employee… well hopefully still one after the layoffs!) discussed the whole “I was there” thing and defended the idea of people going back to get stuff from old expansions, because the “elite” already got their five minutes of fame. That discussion was a direct result of Blizzard dev(s) comments at the time.
You seem angry.
I’m going off statements made by actual Blizzard developers at the time. No, I can’t link them for you. Channel your anger into some research to learn the truth.
Not it’s not. You’re still spreading false information. Try not to get Challenge mode mixed up with a cloak. I was playing at that time. I saw all of the blue posts and interviews that talked about it. Only forum rumors claim this bs.
Way to just jump into insults, too. Nice job. LOL
Typical GD response. “I don’t have an argument, so I’ll make stuff up and call them angry for no reason.” Of course, falls right into the spreading of false information you do.
So since you’ve decided to devolve into this, I’m done with you.
It’s been a few years and it still bothers me that I was unable to get to Ordos. I shudder every time to this day that I go to the Timeless Isle for rep, quests, mog, Mount, whatever, I get a headache and bad taste in the way players can be slighted. I have been a loyal player, account holder, and someone that promotes the game in the real world.
I enjoy a casual play experience, and Blizzard has even used the term “casual play”, but it appears that if you are not a hardcore 24/7 raider you are nothing and deserve nothing.
I understand that gear and mounts and old dungeons are no longer available to acquire BY ALL PLAYERS, but current content is available to some players even though we pay the exact same amount for subscription.
Back then I enjoyed playing different toons and learning their abilities as a casual player and wanting to learn the game. You had to take advantage of invites or you may miss an opportunity. There were times a hunter was needed, a healer, or a DPS so playing one toon to completion became difficult.
I am a husband and father so free time was at a minimum. It was decided that on Tuesdays, my day off that this would be my game day. No wife, no kids, just hanging out with my actual friends that play and my newly WoW friends. The issue with that was Blizzard shut the game down for hours on Tuesday, sometimes all day denying the opportunity to play and progress.
I paid to play and couldn’t as much as I could, but I remained loyal.
Blizzard loading screen tips even make it sound like you “should” and “it’s okay” to not play 24/7 and limit game time game play.
—Remember to take all things in moderation (even World of Warcraft!)— BUT if you do, you WILL miss out on content is what it should fully state.
—Bring your friends to Azeroth, but don’t forget to go outside Azeroth with them as well.—BUT if you do the time to do things FOREVER ends.
—Dungeons are more fun when everyone works together as a team. Be patient with players who are still learning the game.—BUT if you are patient things will go slow so avoid friends and newbs if you want to progress.
—If you enjoyed playing with someone, put them on your friends list!—BUT being friendly may cause you to lose focus.
—Smile early and often!— BUT I haven’t smiled in a while since I don’t get a chance to enjoy current content because Blizzard shut the game down on my 1 day off.
—Thank you for playing World of Warcraft. You rock!— BUT I didn’t rock or be hardcore enough or quit my job to get another day off so I could play when WoW was up and running all day.
So, in summary I pay the same subscription fees as players that do get that content, but I do not.
I was unable to complete due to BLIZZARD shutting the game down at a time limiting my game time.
We were suggested by Blizzard to spend time with our friends and family and do things outside of the game, but that was bad advice and the player suffered.
Learning the game is not an option. Pick one toon and play it 24/7 even if no one would invite you because they needed a specific toon to fill their ranks.
Smile? It’s not an option when doing Pandaria.
This has festered for years and has been a low point in my opinion of the game. Searching the web and forums, including in-game chat, current players feel the same way. This should be one of the prerequisites that was removed from the game and all players allowed. I believe all players should have access to current content. I’m fine with the old raid prerequisites for example since it would be accessible by ALL PLAYERS, not a select few, and was challenging.
Please stop hindering or punishing “casual players”.
Please, make Ordos available to all.
Thank you