Really want a helm for my hunter called ‘Olivia’s Graceful Gaze’ but I am a newer player and didn’t play in MOP. To fight Ordos apparently you need a legendary cloak that is no longer in the game. Is there a way for me to still obtain the helm in BFA?
You might just get ported out, but try flying from Jade Forest and Goblin Gliding to Ordos.
only if you have cloak. Without it - no
You can’t get to him without the cloak. Blizzard screwed people over.
I’ve tried that numerous times, I even managed to one-shot Ordos as a Balance Druid from range. As soon as you get closer to the enclave though you are ported out and will receive nothing in the mail loot-wise either.
If you have the cape yes, otherwise no. They fixed the glitch that let you kill him outside of the place ages ago.
They were going to remove the cape req to get to Ordos in 6.0 WoD but then decided not to suddenly.
I think there was a bit of “I earned it” outcry that stopped them from doing it.
I believe most of the items from Ordos are still available on the BMAH.
There isn’t a single piece of loot from Ordos that cannot be obtained somewhere else. However, there are restrictions due to Classes so in essence it might be slightly unobtainable.
I imagine you are looking for this helmet:
Since the other Mail one drops from SoO in Heroic.
You can buy this helmet as part of the PVP set for Shaman, but sadly won’t be able to transmog it into the Hunter. You never know what the future holds in terms of transmog. Every expansion they relax the rules more, so I would recommend to still grab a shaman and get the pvp set so you at least have it added to your library. Perhaps when blizzard decides to open armor types, you can regain the ability to mog it.
You still need the cloak 100% unfortunately.
There is a barrier across the bridge that you simply cannot cross without having the cloak.
There is a clickable statue on the accessible side of the bridge. Click it and it launches you up high. Pop a Goblin Glider and land in the courtyard or close to him. Kill him. I did this last week.
It is a real dirk move that they do not want to let people who did not got the MoP cloak do the boss.
There should really be a time limit on that. I got several cloaks back in MoP and I really don’t care if some new bro wants to get some Ordos xmog.
I think you can buy the PVP helm for shaman that uses the same model and color and it will be unlocked.
You can fight Ordos without the cape but it’s tricky and he doesn’t drop any loot if you don’t have the cloak.
To be fair, a big chunk of the community apparently demanded “I was there” type rewards and Blizzard delivered by removing content.
The real crime is the ENTIRE legendary cloak quest chain that got removed, including TONS of lore, quest design, animation and voice acting.
Sadly there are still others who think that because they have the cloak and the CM armors that girls will throw their panties at them
The same helm drops in SOO. You don’t need ordos.
I used to read Olivia’s articles. Sad to see they tied her item to a cloak no one was told was going to be removed.
What is this ‘clock’ that you speak of? I’m asking for a friend as I have my cape already.
If you have the lego cloak from mop yes. If you don’t then no.