Can you solo Legion Mythic dungeons?

Just wondering. Might clear out some things.

Legion Mythic Dungeons should be pretty faceroll if you’re over ilvl 400 which is pretty easy to get at this point in the xpac.


Yes. If I recall I was able to solo all the 5 man mythics on this guy and my alliance paladin at 350 item level. Not sure about other classes.

At 400 on my warlock I was able to solo the plethora of mythics my alchemy trainers made me solo.

Personally? Nope but I am kind of lame. I fall off things and die all the time. You probably could though.


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I was helping a friend cap out highmountain rep and accidentally left the instances on mythic and they were doable (if slow) at 113.

Yes, pretty easily.

This made me laugh a lot. Mostly because Every time I do a dungeon w/ an elevator I forget about it until I am falling halfway down the shaft.


You need to put down the tray of cookies for a moment and find your Levitate spell.

Hard counter to the elevator boss.


Yep easily, and the emerald nightmare mythic is soloable too.

Most grindy class played so far for me to mythic legion dungeon has been shadow priest. Still very doable…just not fast times. Not as fast as many other classes run.

Want really fast times a stealthy class like druid, rogue or hunter with camo talent. Skip the trash as much as possible, kill the bosses. In and out quick.

It’s going to vary.

In some cases, yes, in other cases no, because while Legion raids and dungeons have legacy loot mode enabled now, the damage reduction buff has not been added, and the individual encounters have not been adjusted to reduce the impact of or outright eliminate one shot mechanics or group mechanics.

So depending on your class and spec, you can solo them, but you’re going to encounter some fights which will just absolutely wreck you.

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I mean… depending on your Class Legion Mythic Dungeons were solo-able during Legion… They should be fairly easy for any BFA character by now. I could solo them on my Pally or my Demon Hunter during the expansion.

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I was clearing Mythic Legion solo while they were still current, you’ll breeze through them now.


Right thats what I was going to say lol. Is this a serious question.


Only if you can burn down Nythendra quick enough before the mind control ability gets used.

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I die in Firelands a lot. I forget, start to run and fall into lava.

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I used to solo them in Legion. So yes.

When was this? You know they’ve been continuously tuning old end content harder, and mythic Legion dungeons are part of that.

I’ve been trying to get the last achieve for Glory of the Legion Hero, which is killing Cordana while not holding the light. On my 440 guardian I got her down to about 3% health, then she went through like 15 cycles. On my 461 I killed her after 1 cycle.

They definitely don’t want 110’s doing that content. In fact, there are several dungeons I saw 110’s waiting outside of, hoping for a carry from a kindly stranger so they could get their class or profession quests completed.

When BfA started, the mythic dungeon world event quest was being given out in Violet Hold. I took the quest and tried to put together a group. I got a warrior tank that had soloed them in Legion.

We finished the quest, but we died a lot. They have been greatly changed.

I did them at 350 on paladins pretty early on. Might have been before they jacked up the health of the mobs in Legion.

Doing them at 400 on my warlock was this weekend. Was knocking out alchemy quests while waiting for a stupid table mission to finish up for the Breaching the Tomb thing.

I can, currently, solo 2 Legion mythic raids without any issue. So it’s pretty safe to assume that you can solo Legion dungeons practically naked.