Can you report someone for abusing kick function?

In dungeon group.

There was a level 60 DH carrying his friend, so he was pulling and rushing fast, I am on healer role. Anyway, all things are good until he gets too far ahead and the process of trying to save someone else, I end up dying.

There’s a Paladin in my party and I expect a res, but we’re just before the final boss in Plaguefall. So I figure, okay I wasn’t ressed, I’ll just let them finish the boss it’s probably only gonna take 30 seconds because he’s overtuned. Better than re-spawning and pulling all the mobs again that I know are not cleared.

But a few seconds before the final boss dies I am kicked.

This seems like an abuse of the kick power. I was not afk. I was not told to run back or even warned before the kick to respawn.

So now I’m out of the bonus experience and drops.

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You can kick for no reason at all. You don’t need a reason to kick as long as all others agree. While it is a jerk move it’s not something worth reporting.


I ask because I’ve seen on two separate occasions people mentioning there is a means to report the abuse of the kick function.

I actually never get kicked from dungeons because I always play my role. So this was quite surprising to me. It just seemed like a jerk move, especially since they could’ve at least let me get the experience from the end before removing me from the party.

It’s not abuse when everyone agrees to kick someone. The group decides who stays and who goes no matter the reason. It’s all automated so Blizzard doesn’t have a million tickets about abuse of the kick function.


I don’t know if this is abusing the kick function so much as just being mean. Abusing the kick function would be, say, kicking someone new who comes into the dungeon, then repeating that action every time someone new comes in (very broad example). I’m so sorry this happened to you though, people can be terrible sometimes :frowning:

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Been kicked plenty of times myself, first time it happened I was so angry because I didn’t do anything wrong. After the 20th time, you just shrug and learn to only do dungeons with your guild lol.

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I don’t think there is a way to “abuse” the kick system. It is predicated on the group voting someone out for any reason, so I don’t even know that abusing it is possible. It’s obnoxious, but as far as I know the kick function can only be used one way.


I think this may just be a misunderstanding on policy, or perhaps there were special circumstances involved. Technically, anyone can report anything for whatever reason they wish, or no reason at all. Generally speaking, removing someone from a group isn’t considered against policy.

Overall, whoever is the group/raid leader may remove whomever they want for whatever reason at any time. Assuming there was some kind of agreement involved when you joined, that might be something we would look into. If that were the case it would be reported as a Scam.

Keep in mind, if we believe a potential violation of our scamming policy took place our staff will investigate and take appropriate actions for any violations found. We won’t be able to share the results with you, nor would it allow us to provide any of the loot that you may have received.

Edit: Just to be sure. We are talking about normal grouping and the ability to remove another member of the group/raid? If so, the above applies.

If we’re talking about the Vote to Kick system, then no, it does not violate policy for someone to use the Vote to Kick system to nominate or vote for someone to be removed.


Thank you for the swift and comprehensive response. I do not believe there was a scam in place here so I’d really have nothing to report if that is the case.


You could have asked for a res, or just rezzed and ran up.
Staying dead and not saying anything will make people think your afk. But either way, using the kick function isnt something that will get you banned or punished. A group could kick you because your a gnome, or because they dont like your tmog and its perfectly fine.
Each time a kick goes through theres a timer so the VTK system cant really be endlessly abused.

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I would actually like to bring this back up with a different viewpoint and bump this thread. I get that you can be removed from the group for whatever reason that the group sees fit. I get this, and can agree with it as well.

We just signed a social contract. In that social contract, the very first bullet point is this:
“Play as a team with your fellow players - whether in dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, arenas, or out questing in the world. Do your best to support your team through your communication and behaviors so you can all celebrate your success together.”

The epitome of going against this rule is what he exactly explained, and therefore I feel like should be considered an abuse of the kick function. Especially since you kicked someone from your group without giving them a reason or a chance to fix whatever is going wrong.

On the flip side, can we maybe just remove the 30 minute debuff then as well? I can take getting removed from a group without reason better when I can just at least just back into another 10 minute queue to get into another group. You mean to tell me I get kicked from a group for no reason, have to wait 30 minutes for the debuff, for me to wait another 10 minutes in queue? Again… there’s got to be some sort of abuse of system here.

EDIT: words and grammar

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If you feel that the rules should be modified, as voting to kick someone is not a violation of the rules ever, then you’ll want to use the in-game suggestion feature or post in the General or Dungeons and Raids forums.

But the social contract is just a simplified version of the EULA and nowhere in there does it say that you cannot vote to kick someone.

There isn’t.


Just a couple things

  1. dont necro a thread almost a year old.

  2. Vrak doesnt pass along any feed back u want to pass feedback along post in dungeons raids scenarios or use the ingame suggestion feature.


Fair point. My apologies, and I’ll do so.

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comes down to it can not be abused. You can be kicked for no reason or any reason! Majority rules when it comes to this.

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This thread is a bit old so I’m going to lock it up but I want to clarify something before I do.

The first half of the Social Contract aren’t rules, they are recommendations and best practices to help everyone enjoy their time in World of Warcraft.

There isn’t. That said, if you wish to see a change to how the current system works you’ll want to submit your feedback to our Dev teams for consideration. You can post in the Dungeons, Raids & Scenarios, or through the Submit a Suggestion option through the in-game support menu.