Make them look more attractive. They’re really ugly, especially the males.
Also, further customization options would be very much appreciated. The fact that the Highborne returned to the Night Elf society back in Cataclysm should have been enough reason for them to have more shades of white, blond and black hair colors.
And when will we be able to choose their eye color? Seriously. This is an issue since Vanilla - only females have white eyes and males have golden eyes.
The males look like someone dropped steroids into their porridge for the last couple years and they look stupid as a consequence, yes. But the females look somewhat normal and ok.
I like the way the NEs look. They look much better than their anorexic BE/VE counterparts. I like the fit look. Didn’t really notice the hands on female NEs so I haven’t noticed whether they were disproportionate in size.
I like the way my toon looks, I think she’s attractive just as she is.
Mog’s a bit of a mess at the moment, but that’s because this toon is still a lowlevel wearing some white items. When I upgrade those white items to greens, I’ll fix her mog.
While we’re at it since they share a lot of the same animations can we please fix nightborne as well… the males for both races are kinda… rough to put it nicely… and female nb definitely feel rushed.
Female night elves are alright imo except for the floozy boob flopping idle animations
Azshara as a Night Elf is supposed to be one of the most attractive females in WoW’s history.
Over time, the Well’s cosmic power affected this nocturnal and independent tribe, suffusing their flesh and bones, elevating their forms to match their graceful spirits.
In-game male Night Elves’ model does not look like their forms have been elevated in any way. They look like purple tall old wrinkled goblins.