Can you please let us solo BFA raids?

Its so bad that I was only able to down mythic Ghun for the first time ever a couple weeks ago. SMH.

Its also how I discovered that the zerg method doesn’t really work on him since apparently he gains a massive damage reduction buff if you get him below a certain threshold even before he pops out of the wall (so he ends up with his massive healing buff and a 99% damage reduction buff). It’s like blizz thought to themselves of new ways to screw over players running mog runs after the content was no longer current.

They’ve tweaked her once already, but making her even less annoying would be nice.

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I get it but the fact that I can do it on a DK, aka the slowest class in the game, wearing a non speed set tells me anyone can do it. They could make it a little more mindless sure but the fact that any class could do it last expansion tells me that its simply a player execution issue.

Back in my day you used to be able to be guaranteed to be able to solo raids 2 expansions later, and sometimes only 1 expansion later

Heck I was doing ashes of alar farming in wotlk on my paladin cuz they could solo it then

I love this idea so much. Take the already pretty cool follower dungeon AI we have now and just apply it to older legacy content. That would open up so many new optoins for me to farm, since I just do not have time to join actual groups anymore. Yeah, I wish I had time to form or join raids or groups for older content, but that ship sailed when my kid was born, haha. But back to the point, I would like to see some form of follower Dungeon AI applied to legacy raids. That would be pretty great.


I kinda wish all the past raid transmog was just on a vendor maybe to with tokens.

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Honestly, as soon as you hit 10 levels over the cap for that raid, it should activate legacy loot and the legacy buff.

The content is most certainly “out of date” by that point, so it shouldn’t require a four year cycle (two expansions, essentially) to be able to solo the raids on whichever difficulty to collect appearances.

Feels kind of silly at times.

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I would so be down for this, even if it wasn’t a like, minimum 10 player group of like 1 human, 9 ai or even 5 human/5 ai it would be fun, though not imo a sole option forever. I think at some point, it’s still appropriate to just let a solo player trounce the joint to get the loot, esp since it’s random chance still so you’re very likely still not getting everything you want in one go, absent some seriously luck.

Wtf does this even mean? What is there to talk about? Why blatantly lie about that?