Can you please let us solo BFA raids?

Dude, come on. And when asked, you deflect the question each time, like the latest one yet:

"That is something we are talking about all the time. I think that the goal is that we want to make that more accessible for players, especially players who want to go back and get transmogs with Warbands where it will be easier to collect transmogs across your entire Warband. There are some specific things that we are talking about right now but we are not ready to announce details on it yet. "

Dude, i dont care. Add a damage/healing scaling buff if you are 2 expansion level caps ahead of the content (like being level 70 and doing BFA raids which are level 50), and change bosses like Mythic Jaina or the elemental in dazar alor so it doesn’t reset if you are solo and their mechanics fail to debuff you if you are 2 level caps ahead of them. Why is that so hard to implement? Just stop this nonsense. We’ve been able since Cataclysm to solo raid content that’s 2 expansions old already, so please let people solo this. Why in the hell do you have to “talk about it” when the fix is there and easy to implement? Why do you refuse to fix it? Jeez.


Seconded. Please make it so.


I’m still waiting on them to let us solo Legion Mythic. Unless something changed in the past year because it’s been about that long since I tried.

Their stance against us soloing old content does nothing but shoot themselves in their foot.


Yes please. It’s time to do it now :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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I would love to be able to solo BFA raids… so much mog I want to get my grubby paws on.


Note: a demon hunter did this, if a melee class can do it, a hunter definitely can with their pet to spread the bosses apart

Have fun!

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They’ll need to rework some BFA boss mechanics as well to make it doable for all classes, such as G’huun, which is likely not a top priority for them. Isn’t as easy as flipping a switch.

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I think the only issue is a few mechanics. Which I also think theyve said they are working on.

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this feels like something that automatically should have been done when we transitioned into sl.


I don’t get it they were doing fine with legacy raids until bfa what is so difficult about this for them?


Lack of care.


Didn’t they give us the legacy buff for legion back in like sl? I’ve been able to do Nighthold on all difficulties and everything dies in 1-2 hits.

I have the Mythic Gul’dan mount (Hellfire Infernal), and I didn’t play in Legion. you can see it in my collection.

Eonar still sucks from what I hear, but I’ve never tried it myself. Did you just mean that?

If only we could pinpoint someone becoming the game director at that time, some sort of leader of a group proud to be Elitist Jerks. I doubt we’ll ever know what changed though.


They’ve been talking about doing this for two years. And it really should have been done by now.


Yeah I mean there’s really no excuse for it. Two expansions later and this should just be one shot kills for every boss and the raid. The people that got all the cool stuff when the content was current have had it long enough they don’t even wear it anymore or use it anymore so it’s old news so just let us have it if we want to run the raid without all these stupid mechanics that you need eight people for LOL


Probably. I didn’t have any problem doing damage to bosses and taking them down eventually but those two man mechanics can sometimes be nearly impossible to do or at least not until I’ve smashed my forehead onto the table a few times lol

If it’s two expansions back we should just be able to go in and one shot everything. I mean we’re investing the time. And everybody that got something cool during the expansions lifetime has stopped using it by now so just go ahead and open these old expansions up for easy farming

Yeah. I remember having no problem in Uldir on any difficulty until the boss you drop down on and get insta killed. Same wit BOD, couldn’t get past Opulence. Haven’t tried the others yet.

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You can solo most bfa encounters. It’s not a damage or health issue. Ones like the loa council in dazar it’s a mechanical issue like with the coven in antorus. Raden is mechanical but you can dps through it.

If you are having issue with a non gimmick bfa boss, it’s a you issue.

Opulence you can solo now as the hallway isn’t necessary.

Nice. I only tried it once. So thats good that they fixed at least that part