Can you please let us solo BFA raids?

Both BFA and SL raids should be entirely soloable come tww. And any mechanics preventing that from any expansion legion and up, should be tweaked accordingly, I am myself not sure why they seem hesitant on changing things…we just want mogs/mounts like we can do for every other old expansion.



I don’t think anything actually changed with Opulence, as in if you ignore hallways the boss still gets mega buffed from the adds you didn’t kill. It’s more that it’s now to the point where you’re strong enough to still kill the boss through that buff, which is kind of the approach the devs are taking to legacy content moving forward rather than having a ‘legacy buff’ like even older legacy content has.

It always let you but he has a buff of hp and damage. Ilvl now lets you just push through it.

I think the main issue is they keep making fights where being alone makes it worse as bosses buff each other. There’s very few in Dragonflight though.

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People already solo some of shadowlands

Yeah, actual group mechanics like that are usually the biggest pain point, and the devs step in to adjust those on their own schedule. Usually takes (much) longer than players would like though lol

Not just BfA, but also Shadowlands and Dragonflight once the new expansion comes out!

I mean, only specific classes can. And there’s also the issue that some like mythic jaina cannot be solo’d at all cuz you are perma stunned. Or G’hunn. or mythic Ny’alotha.

DF. But yes, agreed.

  1. In Shadowlands the company went into full meltdown, it was exposed that criminal behavior was going on, they delivered the worst patch ive ever seen in 9.1, and they had to cover the damage up asap. They should have been converting BFA raids at this time.

  2. Because Shadowlands was so bad, they had to make BFA the “previous” expansion because you cant start WoW, as Ion put it, in “super hell” which completely screws up thenorder of things.

If anything, we should be getting both SL and BFA raids as legacy content in TWW.

Yeah fair, old content should be easy

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Mythic Legion was almost entirely soloable since late BfA, even post level squish. If you couldn’t solo it during Shadowlands, that’s a skill issue.

The natural gearing progression has always been their main approach. The legacy buff was just an artificial way to replicate that, and the expansion hierarchy, after they squished the levels. They’ve already clarified that they don’t want to alter fights that can simply be out-geared, but will make changes to fights that mechanically prevent soloing.

Although, they’re running out of time on their promised timeframe for BfA changes specifically.

There are still bosses in Legion that suck and are just plain annoying.
In this case Eonar, Imonar, Hymdall and Hyrja


I would love if they just added follower dungeons for all dungeons up to and including heroic and if they allowed for follower raids for 10 person normal and heroic…

Old content can then be played for solo players where the world is deader than a doorknob and players can farm their transmogs and items. Two birds, one stone.


There are sooooooo many bosses that are unsoloable in BFA, it’s kinda ridiculous:

Zul, Mythrax, G’huun, Conclave, Rastakhan, Jaina, the Naga Council, there may be more I’m forgetting too.

Id love to be able to easily tramsmog/moint farm bfa stuff.

I can see problems with quite a few bosses unless they do the “you hit it and it atto dies”. Ones like ghuun and nzoth (hell, even the boss befofe nzoth) would still be impossable unless stuff is changes

I get that it might take a few hours of a workday to disable certain mechanics, but why not put John or Jane Intern on it?

They also need to stop with this “10 levels” nonsense. Once a new expansion is 30 days old, the previous one gets the legacy buff. This prevents the niche weirdos trying to “gear up” in the previous expansion content, but lets people get to a-farmin’.

I have a feeling that’s only 80% of it.

The rest is: We must protect the Elite.

aka: If you really want it, do that content when its current.

It helps insure Mythic raiders and Glads have the most time to “show off.”

But it just makes me question: why are the “Elite” … so petty and weak???

I legitimately curious what Legion Mythic boss you could not solo as I did them all routinely in SL. Even the annoying ones like Eonar I could do on a DK waddling from point to point (just have to know what spawns next).

With warbands and the ability to get tmog for different armor types on one character being promoted as a major feature for this next expansion, one would assume that tuning and fixing old raids would be moved up on the priority tree, seeing as how many people are probably going to go on mad tmog binges (myself included). But :dracthyr_shrug:

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Eonar is the only one that makes people say that Legion mythics are unsoloable.

I think peeps just want her tweaked a bit so it’s not as a pain to do her, apparently?

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