Can you please hire a different artist for Hunter Tier Sets?

To me, Druid and now Evoker transmog are what I picture when I picture a Hunter.

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I got scared for a moment they might be trying something different this xpac, all is well in hunter mog hell :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

That they won’t ever see because of the god awful dragon form rofl :joy:

ngl, the evoker set is lit
not the boots, but boots have been a bad spot for a while now.

and you right they got done dirty cuz they can’t even see it most of the time.

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I do agree it looks cool, just wish they’d let u disable dragon form so we could see it :frowning:

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To be honest art team has been doing quite poorly with class/armor sets for a while, with a couple of exceptions.


I wish I could be excited for a tier set for my hunter.

Another disappointment…


i think my fav thing about this tier set is in the wowhead post about it the commentary was something like “now you can live our your bone hunter dreams!” as though a solid 70% of our existing tiersets didn’t have random skulls glued to them already, lmao

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Love the bear trap hanging from the waist. It’s like saying, “This is the trap that I used to trap these creature to skin and wear to fulfill the hunter fantasy trope!”

The not tier set mail however looks absolutely fantastic and will be the go to hunter mog I’ll go with.

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Can we start opening up old Tierset to other users of the same mog type like in Pandamonium the Pandaria remix? Cause if Evoker sets are gonna continue to be this FIRE, I’mma need a few… specifically the hands off this last set.

It’s been obvious for a while that the art team, as good as they are, doesn’t really know what they’re doing with Hunter tier sets.

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Also, if we’re gonna keep throwing animals on Hunter sets… can we get a symmetrical deer skull laden set of shoulders?

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My second most played character which is also my oldest character is a hunter, I also have a lot of hunter alts because I love the class, and I sadly have to agree. I’m always changing or mixing and matching my hunter’s gear because I have yet to really love any one set…it’s a shame.

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What do you mean it’s our turn?! We haven’t had a good tier set since Legion! :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Well thats why you have xmog

But what do we transmog into when all of our sets look bad?


Im sure theres something you can find lol

OMG THOSE WARTHIN HUNTER SET LOOKS AMAZING!!! I love the WARTHIN hunter set aesthetics. Such cool vobes!!! 10/10 warthin hunter set! Sucks you have horrible taste tho lmao

i like it lol

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