Can you please allow newer players go back and get cool looking Artifact (Druid) forms? Tower challenge thing

This confuses me, are you saying you should be able to unlock tmogs on classes you did not complete the challenge on?

Yes that is what they are saying and that is a big yikes. Cause you know what will happen the CM players from MoP will whine they should get all 11 sets for just doing it once.

No no no. 1 challenge for that class = 1 base skin.

There is “Or” prefix in the threat text. Suggesting either or, and not contradicting anything.

Yeah, that’d be nice. Scaling is nothing new. Could easily pump it out again.

Amen to that.

Absolutely. That would be an ideal scenario. Ear the reward.
Frankly, going thru old quest chains to get some forms that I already got was a very boring and painful process.

And I get it, it was a challenge, for current players years years ago,
WoW did bring a lot new players on board with Shadowlands (such as myself). I started playing BFA this Summer after I learned about Shadowlands.

I actually failed it back in legion. (Well I also tried like 3 times, I didn’t have much time to play)

So I would welcome it to be time walked.

BUT, the people who did it in legion SHOULD remain special.

The “or” is before the first part, which tbh doesn’t make a lot of sense. But if you want “or” to be used like that, place it between the things, not in front of them.

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i failed my bear challenge over a 100 times.

Then why not being a person who can provide a better answer than say “I done this, I feel special, you are not for not doing it because I had the time and you didn’t” That’s basically what I am getting from you.

And I don’t imply it should mean across everything, Just the Mage Tower because everything that thing does is a hassle for one thing that looks great to have.

I apologize for such inconvenience. Shame of me to make an assumption that people would still understand such a simple line swap. My bad. Delete thread.

While I do feel those who did the work when it was relevant are entitled to it remaining unique, why doesn’t blizzard just come up with some new and different alternatives

Because I actually want the challenges to be restored as they were with no trivialization of them to get the skins. Not to get free handouts for skins since I did something once.

Additionally what you are asking will inevitably cause the “but why not me” attitude in others to rise up. Like a nasty positive feedback loop.

You should get it just for persistance lol.

Jokes aside, the better way would be implement a “new” mage tower. Oh wait ! We have torgast !

Why not simply add it as a challange in one of twisted corridors ?

neon tron bear is better looking anyway. did you know that for most of WoW there were no other appearances? You got the 1 you got and that’s what you got, for over 10 years.

I leveled up a druid in BfA just for that werebear skin, after I got it I checked out the other ones and imo Balance of Power is the one, but all of them are really good.

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They were a joke by the time they went away. I completed the shadow one on my first attempt on this character.

Prestige rewards are okay and healthy! They encourage players to do content they might otherwise wouldn’t, and reward players in unique ways for their dedication and skill.

These are trophies of their time and should remind exclusive to those who achieved them.

I’m excited for Twisting Corridors to launch so we can earn the rewards exclusive to Torghast, do your best to get them because I expect this will be time-sensitive too!

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Well i did get it, I think it was attempt 112.

It isn’t a simple swap though, it is how language works.

That aside. They won’t bring them back, and not because “people wouldn’t feel special” or any other strawman you want to make. It’s because the content was released with the understanding of it being time limited. It was run by all players with that understanding and bringing it back would be a breach of trust. They could never make an announcement about content or rewards again without the community second guessing and not believing them.


People claim it is too much work for blizzard. Apparently adding a few unique forms is more work than creating an entire expansion, 100+ class outfits, 1000+ new NPC models with unique animation, hiring 100+ voice actors to do story telling, and creating 100+ unique story lines. Adding few forms is too much to ask for,

I really fail to understand how some people, who don’t even play Druids, can object to a few new bear/cat/moonkin forms.

And making a new challenge is impossible?

That would be a great move … put the mage tower skins back in the game but it’s the end boss of level 12. Have to slog through 5 floors to get 5 attempts at it.