As much fun as it is to be funneled into choke points for people farming honor and ganking lowbies in groups of 5-40, I think your experiment for incursions has failed spectacularly.
They lazy design has caused anyone on a PVP server to be forced into a meat grinder every time they want to go near a quest giver or portal.
They definitely need to separate turn-ins and make some version of this faction exclusive.
It’s the same reason the classic designers didn’t make one AV portal with one vendor and mark turn in. It’s not conducive to a PVP server functioning properly.
It’s too late to fix this. All they had to do was to offer transfers off PVP servers. Paid or unpaid, and players would have flocked off PVP servers, from both factions.
People want PvP enabled on a PvP server, but only when it’s convenient for them. The people complaining about being corpse camped during incursions are the same ones who will be corpse camping when they’re 50.