Can you feel it boosters

How is this any different than opening your wallet buying gold and afking to 60 while getting boosted by a mage?


Aw, frig. I bought used.

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Damnit vlad

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you buy gold ? thats illegal and goes against the game rules.
many people earnt their gold legitimately, therefore they can pay people to level their alts through dungeons if they want to. the difference is that the gold goes back into the game, rather than $60 straight into blizz’s pocket. why do so many of you idiots think that buying a 58 boost with real money is the same as buying in-game dungeons runs with wow gold ? hmmm maybe because YOU are the guys who buy gold illegally off dodgy websites

Did blizz announce the price? Also, if gold sellers were not making that money in a game where they can not convert it via tokens, then they would not be doing it at the rate they are.

If they look to kill boosting, they won’t make it against ToS to help low level players with a higher level character, they will simply make the presence of a high level character in your party kill your XP completely as well as some other steps to prevent workarounds to this, such as requiring a low level to contribute a significant amount of damage to the kill even when out of party.

Too bad this isn’t actually enforced by Blizzard any more. They prefer to try to “combat” gold buying/selling with their WoW token. To them, it makes more sense for them to compromise the game themselves and hopefully undercut those who are trying to compromise it from outside the company. People actually brag about how their credit card is their best friend in Classic WoW and joke about “their Chinese friend” they go to before raids. There is no need to actually try to hide it anymore as Blizzard just doesn’t seem to care about enforcing their ToS.


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Activision-Blizzard will NOT reverse this decision under any circumstances.

An accountant wrote down a number on a page/excel/doc/ whatever tf blizzard uses. That number is the amount of revenue they expect a boost to generate in the short term. Removing the restrictions = long term. That number is an extremely large number that many people would struggle to comprehend.

Once the decision was made it was final and no player empowerment movement has the power to stop Bobby from getting his mils.

The only thing we have left is to relentlessly mock the pro boosting community and make it as socially undesirable to do so as possible. That is the only weapon we have left.

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Depends on how you define legit… did you play the AH? is there a chance that the reason you were able to sell things for the price you did, is because people purchased gold and then it got funneled to you? Are you then able to use that gold to boost your alts?

Did you directly purchase gold, no… did it effect the economy and make it so you could afford to boost your alt? most likely yes…

it’s not a black and white issue.

I’m ok with one free boost per account. Paid boosting is a big no no and game killer. Count me into the anti paid boost side.

You realize the paid part is what keeps it from being exploited?

Not sure how you get the feeling the anti boosters are winning when there was a datamine not even 24 hours ago revealing not only boosts, but race and faction changes

If anything it looks like you guys are losing at things you didnt even know you needed to fight against

The losers who are so obssessed with no boosts are so obssessed with WoW that they will never quit playing anyways.

Give us boost blizz.


I hope you are not serious, even if his video had 100 000 000 views and 5 000 000 likes with zero dislike it wouldn’t change anything, “Blizz want dah money!”

Actually paying for a level 58 boost would save QUITE a lot of money for botters, since leveling 1-58 in TBC would put them at great risk of being detected early and banned before reaching level cap which is where the botters truly start to make money since they are not making money while leveling that much, even a single boost per server or account would greatly help them.

We’re getting boosts no matter what. There’s more people waiting to come back to play TBC than there is people who will quit or protest boosts.

You lot are the most selfish, entitled and childish people on this forum. These one time boosts for people who want to play TBC aren’t for you, you don’t control the game and I’m glad Blizzard is letting people who don’t want to play Classic Vanilla a chance to relive or join TBC.

Grow up.


And only a little over 1% of the viewers up voted it.
LOL minority.

Oh, there are plenty of videos out on that, too… ><

I’d love if they changed their mind on this boost crap, I just think activision-blizzard is way too greedy not to take the money.

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Ah another person comin in here and saying I’m telling people how they should play the game, so clueless you are… Boosts make it to where you don’t even have to play the game, and they were never in the game originally. I’m not telling you how you should play. I’m just demanding that a terrible feature for any game, microtransactions, should not be in any game that actually is meant to be good. Sometimes there are exceptions like fortnite because it’s a free to play game without the goal of getting cosmetic rewards being about doing challenges and getting rewarded, so microtransactions in that game work and make sense because people recognize that the company has to make money in some way, and it’s not hurting the game in other forms. For example, if people had armor in fortnite they had to earn, all of the sudden you’d probably start seeing a lot of pissed off players if epic games had tried to implement their microtransactions after players had spent time earning their gear. It’s for a lot more similar reasons that boosts do not work in WoW. Again, I’m not telling you how to play. Go do a dungeon if you want, go raid, go quest, go open world pvp, go farm mobs to level, go do your professions. I don’t care what you do. Hell go play retail if you want to boost your character, but don’t say I’m tryin to police peoples play styles when that’s such an illogical and stupid take. I mean there’s just no other way to slice it than that. Sometimes you gotta be blunt, and that take is stupid. Boosts are terrible for the game, and they need to be removed as soon as possible before this games becomes retail 2.0 and dies.

A lot of people complain and dislike the hell out of every store mount youtube video blizzard puts out too but that doesn’t stop them from continuing doing it. So no this madseason video won’t stop boosting from happening. Too bad.