Can you feel it boosters

If by “we’re” you mean you as there has been zero evidence of them removing it. Its something you made up.

How many players did classic lose? Man, that makes that game look even worse then.

Whats 110% speculation? To say that people are going to use the boost :joy: and then to say that that would prevent them from leveling that alt because it would then already be leveled haha? That’s not speculation thats what’s going to happen lol

My point is they are two separate games in separate genres at this point.

But you keep trying to act like one is superior dude. Sure it gives you happiness. I’ll enjoy both.

It doesn’t matter, according to you anything that doesn’t meet your exact definition of how someone should level the “correct” way, as in exactly the same as you, is evil.

Fixed that for ya… :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Te he /lol

Well ya I do mean me. You are right about that, but there are also players who are still actively posting on the forums. Well probably still get a few more anti boosting topics, and for good reason.

Out of curiosity… How long have you played WoW? I’ve been playing on and off since 2006. In that time I have done the following, and witnessed many others do the following:

  • Roll an alt and level it (I have SEVERAL across a few servers)
  • Find a new server and start over (to experience the other faction, before you could have horde and alliance on a PvP server)
  • Use a boost that came with an expansion to experiment with another class
  • Roll a Death Knight
  • Roll a Demon Hunter

I have 2 level 60’s on Classic. On retail, I had probably 15 max-level characters (well, max level when I stopped playing them… I haven’t been keeping up with xpacs as much lately.)

So seriously… if you think ONE BOOST PER ACCOUNT is going to take all that away from players, you’ve either never played WoW before, or you’re just not thinking.

Classic will suffer the same fate as retail… People will get bored and move on.

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What’s funny is original TBC did something also to have new people join with recruit a friend.

They obviously can’t do that again so the boost is here.

But that clearly shows you that they were trying to get new players in back then and now

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It’s an old game. Over the years, it has become incredibly bloated. I personally liked things best before Cataclysm. However, it doesn’t mean that all the new changes made are bad. The reagent bank tab is great, as are improved stacking of stackable items (Guildwars 2 did it first.) The QoL changes aren’t what “killed” retail, either. They’re probably what kept it afloat.

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I’ve done all of those as well, and every character I boosted in retail I never played on and wasted my money on. But I was also a lot younger and thought it would be enjoyable to “skip” the content, but it wasn’t. My favorite retail character is my first mage I leveled from 1-120 or what is 50 now. However, I “quit” retail in mop, and barely came back for every expansion until shadowlands which I will not be getting. Had classic not come out, I probably would not be playing wow at all. But I watched what this convenient mindset did to retail, and I saw it ruin a once great game, a game that is now back in the form of classic, and I want to experience TBC like I did back in 08 or 09 when I started without these horrid features like boosts. If boosts get finalized, I will probably quit WoW for good shortly after. I may experience the release, idk yet, but ever since this boost has been announced I’ve played a lot less because Blizzard has shown me again that they do not value my effort or my time, so I will no longer give them that, or my money.

How long until your sub expires so we can stop seeing you on the forums?

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I came back for Classic, too. The boost didn’t ruin retail. And it won’t ruin Classic. There are two possible outcomes to Classic:

  1. People get bored and move on
  2. Toxicity kills it before people get bored (I almost quit for good when I quit a year ago because of meta-jerks)

About 5 months

Highland, that’s not the fault of the boost. That is on you. And I know, I have done the same thing. Boosted a toon to play with some friends to never get back on them.

The solution to your fear is to just not boost a toon for yourself. Your example is about you, and not about me or anyone else.

For me personally, the boost feel like such an anti rpg and mmo feature, and I really do not like it. That is more of a subjective negative feeling about it that I’m sure many others have, but boosts also have many negative objective things about them as well. I think boost do have a positive, however. I do think they bring new players into the game which is good, but I think the bad heavily outweighs the good. It may not ruin classic overall, idk yet, but it does get really close to ruining it for me and the people who feel the same way I do. It sucks too because TBC was when I started playin wow, and I was so excited for arenas.

Well that’s not the only reason I dislike them. It’s one of many. I think they have no place in an mmorpg game that’s meant to have meaningful progression.

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Nah, I get ya man.

For me, TBC has its own meaningful progression for those who simply don’t want to run 1 to 58. Now that does mean they can’t be belfs and daenie, but that’s up to them.

Since I am going to main an alliance shammy I have no choice. But for me at least, it’s ok if someone uses the one-time boost.

So’s gold buying, meta gaming and mage boosting. We’re stuck with those. 2 of the 3 clearly violate the ToS, which is a bigger rub.