Can you change realm in a transfer?

As the title says when moving to TBC do you have to your servers TBC equivalent or can you change server?

They’d lose the normal fee for that. So no, highly doubtful.

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This question is answered in the FAQ for the TBC character thing.
Simply no you cannot.

Should have read that first my bad, thanks though

No worry at all, glad to be of help!


A heads up as well, if you’re looking to transfer realms, do it before the 30th, as all transfers will be closed then to facilitate the snapshotting that happens at prepatch.


The 30th? Citation?


Ah, thank you.

For a price

Do we all have specified realms we can clone our toon to? Meaning we can’t clone our toon to any TBC realm we want, right?

The current Classic server you are on will “fork”. It will have a forever Classic and a TBCC branch. Whichever you choose, it will be the same server you have been playing on. If you clone to the other game version, it will be on the server you were on, at the time of the snapshot.


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Well if you decide to stay TBC you won’t be moving at all as the current servers will just be progressing

Progressing on to TBC isn’t a transfer. You would have to pay to transfer to a new server.

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