Can you avoid queue

So…problably not. BUT. Does the wait in que start at login to the realms or when you hit Enter World from the character screen? Are they the same? We can login to the realms to get to the character screen and right now Enter World is greyed out. If i just sit in character screen and at launch hit Enter World will I get in faster? (Technically yes because I’m past the server login part(right?), but I’m sure you know what I mean).

It’s spellled QUEUE !

Edit: What’s the fun of mispelling “spelled” in my post criticizing spelling if nobody notices :[


Thanks! xd

They stated that the Enter World button will light up when the server goes live, there aren’t any reports of them closing the servers before launch, so I’m just going to keep myself logged into the character creation screen, and wait for that enter world button to light up, and hopefully I don’t get disconnected before the ques get larger.

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It’s spelled PATCHES


Don’t understand why you need to be rude about that.

Nobody can cut lines except for possible mvps and we’ll find out if they did tomorrow.

Que?.. que paso!

I actually lol’d

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fun fact, Queue in french is a “queue” but it means a dick.

Character screen will log you out after 30 mins no matter if you moving around, creating new characters, or whatever. So factor that into your timing


I’m guessing people haven’t realized I spelled spelled “spellled” in my post yet.

I’ll make it more obvious next time. Sppelled?

I mean some people are going to get in first, it’s why there is a queue. Just gotta be fast! :wink:

Thanks for that info! I will do so.

I was unsure if it was a half hour or just 15 minutes, gotta time it perfectly, servers usually go online a couple minutes after the said launch time.

Spoiler alert.
Warn us next time.

If you’re at character selection screen. You’re past the queue

Our eyes are burnt out from staring at a screen reading forums :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea. People been testing it and it 30 mins. I haven’t personally but taking others word for it. If you log in at 5:30 est. good chance you will disconnect before being able to hit the enter world button. Better to give yourself a buffer if you are wanting to do it that way

False its Q