Can Worgen be allowed to become Paladins now?

I don’t know how to feel about this…
However I am willing to accept some things to get Paladin Worgens lol

Worgen do have a racial mount so their Paladin mounts should be modeled after that just like other races… a bareback horse. It could be a glowy bareback horse.

As it is… ground mounts are all but totally irrelevant these days. There are some flying mounts which suit as racial mounts… hyppogrphs for Night Elves and Quel’thelan Elves of the appropriate shades. and gryphons for standard dwarves and humans.

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Come to think of it wouldn’t it be that inexplicable fox they handed us after the Reclamation?


A real wolf runs on all fours man

But seriously? Most likely. As much as I dislike that fox mount

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The Fox mount made no sense at all, it was so out of left field… BUT, I am glad that is their racial mount (other than Running Wild) because at least it makes them different from the other Human Kingdoms lol

Anything that differentiates Gilnean/Worgen from Stormwind Humans I will take it!

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I’d’ve just been happy with an outfit that doesn’t look ridiculous on Worgen. Could’ve gone with Greymane’s overcoat look but we got whatever that was.


What I would give for an overcoat like Genn’s… They literally could have given us a “discount” version of that if they had just given the heritage armor set a cloak that didn’t clip through the part of the coat that wraps around the shoulders and back. I would have been happy with that.

It’s also funny to me that in this new expansion when you see the Gilneans in the Alliance army they are wearing the Season 1 Shadowlands leather coat… it’s kind of funny that they don’t even use the heritage armor because it sucks so bad.

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Honestly it’s far overdue time for all races to have all classes, with the only minor exception being perhaps the Demon Hunters.

I saw a Worgen sipping pina colladas by the Stormwind Canal.

His hair was purple.


Now I’m wondering if the headless horseman being named Thomson is a reference.

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If all races can be all classes, no exceptions.
Demon hunters are only demons that retain their mortal loyalties.

Well that’s a bit hurtful :frowning:

The truth hurts!!

Cata concept art showed worgen with some rather cool wolf mounts.
Give worgen paladins some unique lore about them drawing their holy powers from their belief in Goldrinn and give them wolf mounts, I say. Something akin to the Ironclad Frostwolf, but overly Gilnean in aesthetics.

Its a pity blizz didnd make nelfs paladins after legion too bro

I assume anyone can become a paladin, and the only reason they aren’t yet is purely for gameplay/development related reasons. We saw a Night Elf become a Paladin in the Legion class campaign.

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<=categorically supporting the expansion of paladin class to worgen and beyond, for orc paladins riding into battle screaming war-hymns on blessed wolves in gilt armor sounds glorious and i shall have it.

I think they should just join the Knights of the Silver Hand. Path of least resistance and all that.

I think this might be the real reason. And personally, I would rather Blizzard give us lore behind each race being a paladin.

I don’t want every race who gets paladin to be Light thumpers because that’s just boring, and doesn’t make sense for some races, like Night Elves. If they get paladins they should be like paladins of Elune, not the Light. Now, mechanically they would all be the same but lore and flavor text would make it fit the race.

That’s what I am hoping for. Now obviously some of the races could just be Light worshippers, like worgen, but I think it’d be cool if they were paladins of Goldrinn or something.

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Absolutely agree, just change what they are called and their visual effects to fit into the racial aesthetics
Could maybe also change the icons and ability names and the animations, still keeping everything 1:1 with other a
It would add so much flavor to the classes (aesthetics) while still allowing all races to participate in all the different classes (mechanically)
If not this way; it think we should at least have “class skins” Im not the first to mention it but imagine it; you don a glyphs and it modifies ALL of your spells to simply look different