I would agree with this if when NOT in a party the tank’s dps was good enough to actually level and quest with. Like maybe a multiplier when solo vs in a group. In a group, I don’t want to dps, I want to TANK, so I should be able to take huge damage without worrying about adding to the dps too.
Tanks should be able to solo dungeons and top the DPS meters.
People should want to tank because of how OP and fun it is.
There should be groups of all tanks. 5 tanks.
Just a prot pally working Word of Glory.
I’m actually not finding the keys FUN this season so I am not doing them. My main last season was a hunter though if you’d care to look that one up for the IO since it seems important to you. Garahn is the name. I am not even arguing, you the one that came at me just like the other guy. So I mean… yeah GL to you as well.
I would full hearted agree with this idea as well. HEALER specs need this also for their dps outside of a group to be increased. They shouldn’t have to play a different spec or never solo things.
Tanks run around way too much. Defensive abilities should be reworked so that they only be used while standing still.
Last boss in Ara Kara doesn’t hit hard. It just has a lot of mechanics.
check again
They forget people grow in power with the gear they get. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have small isolated teams working on separate parts of the game who don’t communicate.
They un-nerfed Blood DK damage and fixed a bunch of other stuff, if you read the hotfix notes at the top of the forum.
I guess they realized Blood Dks got gimped and you need some damage to hold aggro.
I am sure they will balance everything eventually, but there is other stuff broken they have to fix also in wow, so I am being patient.
Buffing HP pools wouldn’t do anything as blizz would just increase mob damage at the same time to an equalivelent level. People cried things were too easy when damage was steady and predictable so blizz in return made mobs and boss’s do huge damage to make it more interesting. Big spike damage isn’t fun but it’s the only thing blizz will do.
Honestly, the issue is healers, when tanks are actually good, healers are a completely irrelevant role outside of raiding, the game should be redesigned around healers being support specs instead of heal bots (think like evoker augmentation), give em some heals and varying support abilities, weather to empower auto attack damage, spell damage, or even just cleanse debuffs, having a role who’s only real jobs are to heal and cleanse debuffs gets extremely boring extremely fast (at least imo).
Now this is not entirely the fault of the healer players, rather a case of blizzard trying to fix a problem (Healers not really having much of a role outside of covering mistakes) with a subpar solution (Nerfing tanks so you have to take healers) instead of just taking the correct way out (Reworking healers into Supports and giving them more agency in fights outside of “keep everyone alive”), it’s really silly honestly, it’s why many other mmo’s have stepped away from the healer role as a whole (or simply never integrated it)
That’s not why healers play.
Take defensives off of dps and give them to healers. Let incoming damage be 100% up to the healer to deal with. Get tanks backs to TTL in minutes instead of seconds.
Honestly. Why is it so hard to understand why tanks and healers play the game? Trying to turn it into “dps with extra jobs” sucks for everyone.
Tanks are fine. Players that play tank need to learn how to play, period.
There is alot more to it than just “Unnerf tanks.”
I think it was 6.0 that removed Parry and Dodge from items, i could be wrong though. Dodge/ Parry/ Block had an increase to threat generation when they would mitigate attacks as well. Now we are stuck with just Crit/ Mastery/ Haste and no real tank stats. They are just a mishmash of blended stats. I know that in Cata Warrior tanks were Ungodly because they were “Unhittable” but instead of tuning they nerfed the class into the ground.
A lot of you wouldnt understand what tanking truly used to be. You think you survive big pulls now? Ive tanked fights back in the day that would make your skin crawl. But the “Tank DPS crowd” killed those days.
They did this in DF without realizing it was a massive mistake despite everyone telling them it was.
They learned their lesson and buffed only player HP in TWW. They just didn’t buff it enough.
This was NEVER the case.
Good, they were kinda boring and relying on them could lead to huge swings in hp.
It’s not the stats themselves but the passives and interactions within the specs that makes them “tank stats” and more fun than just waiting around for the dice roll to say you got hit.
Though if anything, you missed versatility, which everyone always calls the boring tank stat.
It was in DF, when everyone and their mom had a tank alt.
Tanks melted in DF from spike damage.
I DO NOT WANT MORE RELIANCE ON HEALERS, most healers I see are generally awful, I’ve died more times to a healer failing to do their job than I have to my own mistakes this Xpac, I want classes to be more self sufficent so I’m not dying because bucky over there doesn’t know he cleanse the 2 million dmg every 3 sec DoT that will persist for 30 seconds (then flame me when I blow all my defensive’s trying to survive and die anyways because its a healer mechanic DoT)